A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2498 The Restoration Of Spiritual Energy
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Chapter 2498 The Restoration Of Spiritual Energy

Jared snapped his brows together when he heard the Grand Elder's words.

He never thought that the demon beast Skylar had summoned would belong to the Ethereal Realm.In other words, the black hole had to be a gateway between the mundane world and EtherealRealm.

However, it did not seem like a gateway even after a brief study of the black hole, for the inside ofthe black hole was calm and without any motion.

Right as Jared was still reeling in from the disbelief, Skylar signaled the monoceros demon beast tocharge toward Jared.

The monoceros demon beast unleashed a powerful blast of ice mist, engulfing Jared within itsfreezing grasp. The mist quickly formed icy tendrils that ensnared Jared, trapping him within its icyconfines.

In no time, Jared had turned into an ice sculpture.

Some of the people around him who could not escape in time were frozen too.

A wave of shock rippled through the crowd as they hastily moved away from the menacingmonoceros demon beast. Sensing the opportunity, the members of Evil Heart Sect launchedanother assault on the Grand Elder of Divine Smithing Sect.

The battleground erupted into a cacophony of roars, clashing weapons, and the shouts ofcombatants. The chaotic symphony of sound filled the air as the fight resumed with even greaterintensity.

Skylar looked at the frozen Jared with disdain in his eyes. Unlike what others assumed, Skylar stillhad plenty of aces up his sleeve, and the monoceros demon beast was only one of them.

While the battle continued and Jared remained frozen, things in Divine Quest Sect were changingrapidly.

Engulfed in the frenzy of battle, the combatants were oblivious to the changing scenery aroundthem. Their focus remained fixed on defending themselves, launching attacks, and dispatching theiradversaries.

A smile finally grew on the face of the calm Tanner when he saw the changing scenery.

In the meantime, Skylar was riding the monoceros demon beast toward Jared. As Jared was frozenin place, he could not dodge them. If they collided, Jared would shatter.

However, right as the monoceros demon beast was about to hit Jared, a loud cry resounded.

Right after that, a colossal phoenix adorned with golden feathers emerged, its size rivaling themonoceros demon beast. It was even engulfed with fiery flames that danced around its body.

As the phoenix's wings stirred, powerful waves of heat surged forth, dispelling the freezing chill intheir wake. Wherever the heat wave touched, the icy grip of the monoceros demon beast wasimmediately undone, and those who were frozen on the ground found instant relief as the thawingeffect of the phoenix's warmth enveloped them.

Feeling the intense heat wave emanating from the phoenix, Skylar's monoceros demon beastinstinctively recoiled, retreating from the source of the scorching energy. At the same time, Jaredregained his freedom from his icy prison.

Witnessing the sudden appearance of the fire phoenix, Ezra Foden, the Grand Elder of DivineSmithing Sect, and the others could not help but gasp in astonishment. “Is that... the celestial beast,the phoenix? It's the revered celestial beast from Ethereal Realm, so why is it here?”

Those who were from the Ethereal Realm were astounded. They could not comprehend why therewere so many celestial beasts from Ethereal Realm in the mundane world.

With a twirl, the phoenix took on a human form and stood beside Jared.

Evidently, the phoenix had gained the upper hand in the confrontation. Skylar's monoceros demonbeast no longer dared to take a step forward after experiencing the phoenix's heatwave.

“Feenix, why are you here?”

Jared was surprised to see Feenix.

After all, the Divine Quest Sect's secret realm was not a place anyone could enter at any time. Hewondered how Feenix had found the entrance to the secret realm.

“I sensed that you were in danger, so I came,” Feenix explained.

“Then how did you come into this secret realm?” Jared voiced out the question in his mind. Therewas no Teleportation Array that served as a portal between the demon beast's secret realm and theDivine Quest Sect's secret realm, after all.novelbin

“Divine Quest Sect's secret realm?” Feenix exclaimed, taken aback by the mention. “But there areno secret realms anymore. They have all collapsed. The spiritual energy of the mundane world hasbeen restored, and the place we are in right now isn't a secret realm either...”

As Feenix uttered those words, Jared was struck by instant shock. He looked around inastonishment and was left speechless by what he saw.

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