A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2371 The Phantom Leader
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Chapter 2371 The Phantom Leader

“When we encounter the phantoms later, don't make a move. Let me handle it on my own. You two step in only when | can'thandle it alone,” Jared said to Archer and Skyler.

The two nodded. Since slaying the phantoms was Jared's way of cultivation, they would leave the phantoms to him.After walking for a while, they saw a large group of phantoms approaching.

Leading them was a phantom in battle armor, followed by what Jared presumed were his soldiers.

All the phantoms were dressed in ancient clothing and held spears, clearly resembling an ancient army.

This group was most likely a fallen army. Their souls had lingered and transformed into phantoms.

Upon seeing the sudden appearance of this large group of phantoms, Archer and Skyler went pale. Only Jared's eyes were filledwith excitement.

For him, this was a plentiful resource of Ultimate Force.

“Take care of yourselves,” Jared said to Archer and Skyler.

Then, he leaped, charging into the group of phantoms, wielding Dragonslayer Sword.

The phantom in battle armor, wielding a long knife, looked at Jared and shouted, “Attack!”

The other phantoms, with spears in their hands, let out deafening screams and rushed toward Jared.In mid-air, Jared swung his Dragonslayer Sword, and a golden light slashed through the sky.

In an instant, a significant number of phantoms in front of him were slain, and imperceptible traces of Ultimate Force flowed intoJared's body.

Jared was overjoyed. Holding Dragonslayer Sword, he dashed into the chaotic phantom army and slashed them fiercely.Though these phantoms were once soldiers, they had become enemies of the living, and Jared showed no mercy.

Moreover, by slaying these phantoms, they could be released from their torment and reincarnate, escaping the bitter fate ofbeing phantoms that hung around the world.

Skyler and Archer watched Jared's valiant figure with a touch of emotion.

In such a short time, Jared had transformed from the person they once looked down upon into someone with capabilities theycouldn't even hope to reach.

When they first encountered Jared, he was barely clinging to life after being beaten by Garthor.“Perhaps this is talent. Well, you and | are no match for him.” Archer sighed softly.At this moment, Jared became more and more excited as he fought. There was no sign of fatigue or exhaustion.

However, just as Jared was engrossed in the battle, the phantom in battle armor, wielding his long sword, quietly approachedfrom behind Jared, intending to launch a surprise attack.

Seeing this, Archer and Skyler panicked.“D*mn it! These phantoms are sentient!” Archer cursed when he saw the phantom in battle armor attempting to ambush Jared.

It was too late to warn Jared, so Archer and Skyler attacked the phantom in battle armor together.

Archer's fist struck, enveloping the phantom, while Skyler's sword emitted light.

The phantom in battle armor wasenraged and let out a furious EYHis bod as shrouded) by lethalintehth utralizing Archer andSkyler's attacks in an instant. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Its long sword cleaved through the air, unleashing a terrifying glint.

Skyler hastily blocked with her sword but was sent flying.

Archer gritted his teeth, leaped forward, and struck the phantom with a powerful punch.

However, the phantom in battle armor remained unmoved and counterattacked. Instead, he sent Archer flying.“This phantom is too powerful. It's simply abnormal...” Archer slowly got up, his brows furrowed.

He is so d*mn strong! No wonder he is the leader and the only one in battle armor!

“Even Master struggled to slay one ofthese with battle armor {t seenasiwve

porecibaicd fraNShay said,

? bea etched over her face. Pleaseread the original content atnovelbin


“Anyhow, we can't let him harm Mr. Chance. Attack!”

Archer leaped up again, followed

closely by Skyler, as theyeborti Ol!sagait

latyyehed adassault on the armored

phantom. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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