A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2361 The Enormous Door
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Chapter 2361 The Enormous Door

“Mr. Chance, were you using the Divine Cauldron to make the pill earlier?” Matthew asked Jared as they walked.“That's right.” Jared nodded.“| remember you lent Isaac the Divine Cauldron. When did you take it back?” Matthew asked curiously.

“Hahaha. This Divine Cauldron is an ancient artifact. How could | lend it to Isaac so easily? Besides, Isaac is obviously the kindwho borrows without returning. | don't trust him at all, so | merely gave him a fake previously.”

“You're indeed wise, Mr. Chance. That Isaac is a despicable man. You did the right thing, Mr. Chance,” Matthew utteredadmiringly.

The party chatted as they moved further into the abyss. Still, they simultaneously kept their guards up to prevent anythingunfortunate from happening again.novelbin

They traveled down the slope and reached the bottom uneventfully.

As they continued deeper into the place, the intense negative energy and howls from the wind made them feel as if they were inhell.

Soon, a door tens of meters high appeared in front of Jared and the others. The doors were shut, blocking their way forward.

They looked around. Smooth stone walls extended left and right. There was no other exit in sight. Opening the door was the onlyviable option for them to enter.

Jared stepped forward and pushed the door but found it incredibly heavy and impossible to budge.“Let's all try to push the door together and see if we can open it,” Jared said to everyone.Hearing that, the crowd hurried forward and used all their strength to push the door.

Still, the door didn't move an inch. Most of the people there were Martial Arts Gods, while some were even Martial ArtsSovereigns, yet they failed to push a door open even with their combined effort.

“| think this door is installed with an arcane array. Brute force can't move it. We need to locate the core of the arcane array,”Great Diviner said while staring at the enormous door.

Jared nodded. Then, he began searching for the core solemnly.

He gently placed his palm on the door. Streams of spiritual energy spread out in all directions as Jared shut his eyes and felt thearcane array on the door.

However, after investigating for a long time, he couldn't detect any arcane array. The door was just a regular door without anyarcane array installed on it.

“That's weird. No one set up any arcane array on this door.” Jared furrowed his brows.

Great Diviner was momentarilydazed. The next second, he steppedforward and took outa pgpnercuin!Hepleyronahd Uoin forcefully,causing it to buzz, before throwingthe copper coin ahead. Surprisingly, itstuck on the door and started to spin.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Great Diviner was baffled. “There'sindeed no arcane array on the door.But why can't we open it? Wi huecapabilities, we pareve latten a hill,Delare open this door? Mr.Chance, if there isn't any arcanearray, there must be a hiddenmechanism to unlock the door.Perhaps we can open it by finding theswitch.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Chance, look up,” Skyler said to Jared while pointing at the top of the door.

Everyone lifted their gazes and noticed a plum blossom-shaped carving on the door. The shape wasn't etched but carved intothe door.

Jared jumped up, floating in midair, before the plum blossom-shaped recess. Looking at the smooth surface, he figured therecess was man-made.

“Could this be the mechanism to unlock the door?” Jared groped the recess. “But what is needed to open it?”

“Mr. Chance, this must be the hiddenlock mechanism since a suddenrecess is carved in such a ahoothdoor: Behaps etan open the doorby inserting a similar-shaped key.”Great Diviner also leaped into midairand sized up the recess. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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