A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2358 The Eagles
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Chapter 2358 The Eagles

“That's more than enough. We will handle the rest ourselves.” Jared then turned to Matthew and the others. “Mr. Campbell, thedangerous aura is especially intense down here. All of you have to be on your toes and don't wander off from the group.”

Matthew nodded in response before the group kicked off their journey. After walking for a long time, they couldn't see any otherroutes other than the straight tunnel in front of them that seem to descend deeper underground.

At that moment, Jared and his entourage had no idea how deep underground they were. All they could feel was the negativeenergy growing more intense. Despite holding onto the copper coin Jared had made earlier, many in the group had begun tosuccumb to the corrosive effects of the negative energy.

Jared took back the copper coins and carved charms onto them with the Power of Dragons.

Everyone felt invigorated when the copper coins were returned to them, and Great Diviner was further awed by the power Jaredhad demonstrated.

“Mr. Chance, we have lost track of how long we have traveled and how far we have walked, yet there doesn't seem to beanything here, let alone anything dangerous. I'm just wondering how much longer we should keep this up,” Great Diviner askedJared.

It was a just matter of time before everyone was driven crazy by the pressures of the dark and sinister environment.

“Let's just walk a little bit more before we decide.” Jared, too, had no idea how long more they had to go on before encounteringsomething.

Right when Jared had spoken, the supposedly bright skull dimmed abruptly.“What's wrong?”

The sudden darkness gave everyone a fright.

Unlike the others, Jared was a sea of calm. “On your toes, everyone.”

A breeze filled with negative energy blew past them. It was quickly followed by a chaotic screech as if a flock of birds was flyingtoward them.novelbin

Due to the darkness, all they could feel was the turbulent flow of aura around them. It felt as if the negative energy in theirsurroundings had come alive.

Thereafter countless eagles with sharp beaks flew out from the thick fog of negative energy and began attacking Jared's group.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jared activated Golem Body, covering himself with thick golden scales that prevented the eaglesfrom hurting him.

However, the rest weren't so lucky. Even though they defended themselves with all their might, the powerful wind had essentiallytransformed into a wall made of air.

Due to the eagles’ overwhelming numbers, their group was bitten incessantly by the swarm. One bite might not be enough to kill,but the rapid attacks by the eagles caused weaker members of Divination Sect to cry out in agony while being covered in blood.

“They're such annoying beasts!”

As Matthew and Great Diviner unleashed their attacks, the eagles fell to the ground like flies.

Unfortunately, their efforts seemed futile against the overwhelming swarm.

Meanwhile, Jared was swinging Dragonslayer Sword in every direction he could.

Faced with the eagles’ small size but huge numbers, everyone was helpless against them.

As the painful cries grew louder, an increasing amount of Divination Sect disciples collapsed onto the ground.

The deteriorating situation causedJared to sheath Dragonslayer Swordas the phoenix mark atu foreheadn,tpalow\ Theteatter, rays ofblistering golden light graduallyascended into the air andtransformed into a giant phoenix thatwas flapping its wings. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Jared knew that the phoenix was the king of demon beasts. Its appearance would strike fear into the demon beasts and forcethem into submission.

However, when the phoenix wassoaring above everyone's headsilluminating th entiyecatéa, heregizedithé-bag es attacking themwere nowhere to be seen, and sowere the supposed corpses of deadeagles. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

There was nothing in theirsurroundings other than the issipiesof Divination Seat whe Were ying onAD gang in their own blood, a factthat proved that the attack was real.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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