A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2250 Air Of Arrogance
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Chapter 2250 Air Of Arrogance

Jared let out a bellow. Instantly, Dragonslayer Sword in his hand erupted with dazzling light, and the Power of Dragons circulatedcontinuously on the blade.


He swung the sword forcefully at one of the turtles’ backs. The hard turtle shell emitted a flash of light. Then, Jared noticedDragonslayer Sword merely left a faint white mark on the surface of the shell.


When Jared slashed Dragonslayer Sword at the turtle's back, another demon beast lunged at Jared, attempting to bite him withits spine-chilling fangs.

Jared's body shone with golden light as he activated Golem Body. Instantaneously, sparkling golden scales covered his entirefigure.

At that moment, Jared resembled a golden dragon. When the demon beast took in his outward form, it was dazed and didn'tdare to approach him.

Seizing that period when the demon beast was stunned, he merged with Dragonslayer Sword and slashed at it.Limitless Power of Dragons engulfed Jared, turning him into a razor-sharp blade as he slammed into that demon beast.The incredibly sharp martial energy instantly pierced that demon beast, leaving a hole the size of a human on its body.Consequently, the demon beast dropped to the ground with a loud thud before it could even shriek.

With that, Jared killed a Martial Arts God-level demon beast with one hit.

The sea turtle lugged its heavy body along and opened its mouth, spewing blazing fire at Jared.

He leaped up, avoided the flame attack, and landed on the turtle's back. Then, he clenched his right fist, and a golden dragonentwined his arm.

“Sacred Light Fist!”Jared punched that turtle's back ferociously.The sea turtle yelped in agony after getting hit by Jared's fist. It thrashed in desperation, wanting to throw Jared off its back.

However, Jared stood steadily on its back as if he had anchored himself on the turtle's shell. Immediately afterward, he broughtdown his fist again.

After thrusting three consecutive punches, the hard turtle shell finally cracked open. The turtle let out a mournful cry and died asits internal organs ruptured.

Jared hastily rushed toward the next demon beast without even sparing time to retrieve the beast cores.Eyes bloodshot, Jared fought like a bloodthirsty devil. In the end, all five demon beasts were slain by Jared.

He stared at the old man's back impassively while uttering to Flaxseed and the others, “Mr. Flaxseed, go and retrieve the beastcores. These are gifts given to us, so don't let them go to waste.”

Flaxseed and the rest of the party began to extract beast cores from the dead demon beasts.

Finally, the old man put down the fishing rod in his hand, slowly got to his feet, and turned around to gaze at Jared.

Only then could Jared clearly see hisappearance. Although the old mi

had white rane tee led oPwanklas hig n was in optimalcondition, and he looked no differentfrom a middle-aged man in hisforties. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“You're equipped with suchremarkable skills at such a younnovelbin

age. No wond yguextde thatatr ofappgance! On A ately for you, I'mthe only ruler across this stretch ofsea. Anyone who set foot here mustyield.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

With that, the old man gently waved his palm.

Abruptly, a massive force buffeted Jared and the others as if a hurricane had broken out.

Jared took a deep breath, exerting his aura to its limit, wanting to resist the incoming attack.

Regrettably, in the face of such overwhelming power, Jared was instantaneously sent flying backward like a piece of leaf.Flaxseed and the others, as well as the carcasses of the demon beasts, were also blown away by the force.

Jared's body crashed heavily into a massive rock. The boulder disintegrated, and Jared's Golem Body also shattered.

He got up slowly, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. His internal organs churned, and he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Jared looked at the old man, whowas standing far away, in Su

Before he cquineoutiting SC theJake We was initially a hundredmeters away, suddenly appearedbefore him. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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