A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2113 Destiny
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Chapter 2113 Destiny

In response, Jared nodded. “I know.”

“You're risking your life for the sake of a few women. Is it worth it?” Arthur asked.“Yes.” Again, Jared dipped his head a fraction.

Unexpectedly, Arthur suddenly flew into a towering rage.

Slamming his hand on the table, he cursed, “Yes, my foot! Are you living for the sake of a few women alone? Let me tell you this—women will only be a burden to you. For spiritual energy cultivators, it's a necessity to abandon all worldly emotions anddesires. Only by doing so will one attain real enlightenment and become immortal. Look at you now, forsaking your life for thesake of a few women!”

Jared was surprisingly calm in the face of the enraged man.

“If becoming immortal means abandoning all worldly emotions and desires, I'd rather not have immortality. | didn't want it in thefirst place and had merely been forced to embark on this path. I'm willing to die to save them, and | know they're likewise willingto do the same for me,” he enunciated.

When Arthur heard that, the fury within him slowly dissipated.

“Oh well, romantics often have the most regrets since time immemorial. | know you came because of the three girls. If you wantto save them, take them back to the secret realm. It's only there that they can recover again. If you stubbornly insist on not doingso, they won't even be able to survive a day,” Arthur stated evenly, sitting back down.

“Why? Why exactly is that so? What is Wordless Tome? And what is Boundless Cave? Also, what's the secret of that secretrealm of Divine Quest Sect? How did this happen to them? What on earth is going on?” Jared demanded loudly, his emotionsspiraling out of control.

“When you're meant to know some things, you'll naturally understand them. Conversely, don't ask questions for answers you'renot meant to know. It won't do you any good to be aware of too many things,” Arthur replied.

Jared stared at the man intently, hoping to see through Arthur to the depths of his thoughts. Alas, he failed to perceive anything.

“Since you know everything, why did you have Renee and Melanie deliver Wordless Tome to me? You knew that such would'vehappened to them if they were to enter the secret realm, didn't you? Why did you still tell them to do so?” he questioned oncemore.

“If they hadn't done so, would you be standing here, talking to me right now? Besides, they were willing to die for you. You mustnovelbin

learn to come to terms with everything. Life and death are predestined. You can't change destiny! All the women around you will

eventually die for you. That is both their destiny and yours! The sufferings you'll experience in the future will be a thousand timesworse than this.”

Like a sledgehammer, Arthur's voice hit Jared squarely in the chest.

He promptly froze, stunned for a long moment.

“No, | don't believe in destiny. | haveno trust in fate. Why am | toexperience untold suffering?

must it bemer oady wart to beWith the girl | like, meet my parents,and give them a great life. All | wantis to be an ordinary person. | onlywant to be a normal man!” Jaredroared at the top of his lungs,trembling all over. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

“AS l've said, all this is destiny. It'syour fate, and you can't change it.Perhaps you can chapge.yout othee the masterof everything. Since you can't changeit now, go along with it. Otherwise,you'll only suffer more. Run along!”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Arthur waved a hand lightly.

Immediately, a burst of energy sentJared flying out. On the\agelscsP tha,ths fognnddor's med shut. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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