A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2092 Freezing
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As they both had agreed, Arthur swiped his hand across the table, and a shimmering ray of light appeared.To Renee and Melanie's surprise, a book soon materialized in front of Arthur.The book's cover was rather aged, and it was visibly worn.“Take this book with you wherever you go, and make sure that you do not leave the boundaries of Jadeborough. Remember, noone can read the book, including you both. When you see Jared, give this book to him. Do you understand?”Hearing that, Renee and Melanie bobbed their heads.They were unable to decipher what Arthur was trying to tell them.Jared is already trapped in the secret realm, so how are we going to see him?“That's all. Take this book with you and leave. Tell no one about this,” Arthur reminded them before giving a dismissive wave.Melanie came forward to take the book. After keeping it well, the girls left the Department of Justice.When they both came out, Cecilia immediately inquired, “Renee, Melanie, why did Mr. Sanders ask you to stay behind? What didhe say?”“Oh, it's nothing much. He merely asked about our constituents,” Melanie explained.Most of the girls knew about their unique constituents, so that explanation didn't raise any doubts.Cecilia's expression was earnest as she addressed the ladies, “Now that Mr. Sanders has imparted the techniques to us, I'mconfident that we can all work diligently to hone our cultivation skills in order to assist Jared soon.”For the following days, the ladies worked hard to strengthen their cultivation skills.Flaxseed and the rest were still racking their brains, trying to figure out a way to save Jared from the secret realm.Renee and Melanie were at a loss.They spent their days together, never leaving each other's side. Everywhere they went, Melanie brought the book with her,always careful not to forget it or leave it behind.A few days passed in what seemed like the blink of an eye. With no clear plan of action, they wandered aimlessly on the streets.Despite their best efforts, they had no idea how they were going to find Jared.They still couldn't comprehend Arthur's words.“Melanie, we can't just stroll on the streets without a purpose all day. Everyone is busy cultivating! Those who don't know aboutour plan might think we're just slacking off without any intention of helping Jared,” Renee said listlessly.They were currently seated in a corner of a restaurant.“What does Mr. Sanders mean? | don't understand his words. I've been thinking these few days. Do you think he gave us thebook because we both have unique constituents and have a way to see Jared?” Melanie asked thoughtfully.“How do we do that? Jared is stuck in the secret realm. Even Mr. Flaxseed and the like are at a loss as to what to do,” Reneeasked, her lips pouting in frustration. She glanced down at the feast that had been served before them, but her worry for Jaredhad taken away her appetite.“Ladies, feel free to tell me what's bothering you. | can help you solve your frustrations!”Right then, two lecherous-looking men clad in expensive clothes made their way over to the girls.Renee and Melanie cast a brief glance in their direction before deciding to completely ignore them.Despite being ignored, the men refused to give up and sat down with Renee and Melanie.Renee was feeling quite irritated, and her patience had been tested to its limits by the men's persistent attempts at hitting onthem.She glared at them and declared, “Scram now before | really lose my temper.”

Hearing the disrespectful wordscoming from Renee's mouth, onman couldn't lp puttfuckerednonsd vit seems you have quitethe fiery temper for someone of yourage. Have you not heard of us—"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Before he could finish his sentence,Renee slammed her hands on thtable. Visible t theaktB eye ot inSTReroor fHobt spread over the tableand began to make its way up theirarms, numbing their skin as it went.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The cold crept up on them, andbefore they knew it, they felt icyOmfingers clamping gy 6n tHeit3kinSi@ld $6bn enveloped in a layerof frost, their hair and eyelashesencrusted with tiny crystals of ice.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.“Renee!”Melanie abruptly halted Renee and cast her eyes around the area. “We need to leave. Doing this in public will cause people topanic.”She tugged Renee out of the restaurant even though they had barely eaten the food they ordered earlier.novelbin

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