A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2055 The Decree
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Widening its maw, the dragon lunged toward him.Instantly, Yusa's bladder gave way. "Fine! I'll do as you say."In response, Jared waved his hand, and the dragon retreated."I will write it now and dispatch somebody to announce it tomorrow," he promised, shivering with fright.“Very well. I hope, that you won't lie to me for your safety. You know what the consequences are."At that, Jared's aura diminished, and the dragon vanished.Draining the glass of wine, he gazed at the full moon before floating away.As he gazed at Jared's diminishing silhouette, Yusa fumed at how useless his palace's guards were and resigned himself toissuing the decree.There's no way around it. It's those martial artists' fault for being inferior. Even its leader, Kawasaki, had fallen by Jared's hand.There is nobody in the martial arts world who could go head-to-head with that insolent brat!Pulling an all-nighter, he finished drafting the decree and sent a crier to announce it when dawn broke.Jared awoke late the following morning, and Ryosuke came in excitedly to greet him.“Excellent news, Master! The emperor has issued a decree compelling the martial arts world to worship you. Those stubbornmartial artists are now forced to do so!" Ryosuke announced, waving the emperor's decree in his hand.Jared merely glanced at it expressionlessly, as he already knew the outcome from the start."Now that matters in Jetroina have been cleared up, Ryosuke, I believe nobody will be touching the Watanabe family in a hurry. Ishould be getting back."Ryosuke's spirits fell at those words, and his eyes filled with reluctance. "I will oversee matters here in Jetroina in your stead,Master. Also, I will have people send over the resources periodically. However..."Ryosuke hesitated, seemingly embarrassed to speak."Just speak your mind," Jared said."Yuri has been studying in Chanaea, Master. I am hoping that she could return with you to complete her education," Ryosukesaid. "If she pleases you, she can remain by your side to serve you.""As Yuri is still young, she should complete her education. We can discuss her time with me in the future."Jared did not dare take Yuri as a sen/ant.If the women at home heard about this, I'll have hell to pay.Upon locating Flaxseed, Jared picked up Yuri and prepared to return home."Come back with us, Fandor. What's the point of remaining here alone?" Flaxseed implored Fandor.

"I don‘t think I'll come as I'm doingwell here. Besides, I no longer have topretend to be wise. Evepgvithj?ymsrgal?b?itié‘sglte?tartial artistsh e will worship me anyway," Fandorsaid, chuckling. "As it is my friendthey are now worshipping, I‘m goingto have the time of my life here atJetroina." Please read the originalcontent at Dramanovelscom."Thank you for your help here over the past few days, Fandor."

Jared felt indebted. If not for Fandorhaving Ryosuke produc §henovelbin

Soon, Jared and his companionsboarded the plane bac gongdjé??eda iacléir?igc??st This time, |gradicate the Evil Heart Sect onceI got back. Please read the originalcontent at Dramanovelscom.

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