A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2048 Duel
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Upon seeing that Kawasaki had made a move, the crowd in the volcanic crater watched wide-eyed for fear of missing a secondof the intriguing battle.Whoosh!A gust of strong wind rushed at Jared.With a roar that resembled a howling gale, the immense burst of martial energy reached Jared in a split second.Following that blast of air, even the magma that was jetting out was swept along, sparking a series of blistering flames.At that, Jared fisted his right hand. A golden light shimmered from it.“Sacred Light Fistl"As he shot his clenched hand out, dense spiritual energy instantly gathered and formed a gigantic fist, rushing toward the aircurrents generated by Kawasaki's punch.Boom!The energy and wind collided, upon which a thunderous boom rang out. The volcanic crater turned into a natural loudspeaker,transmitting the sound to the skies.The great blast forced even/one standing in the volcanic crater to clap their hands over their ears. In fact, practically the whole ofJetroina could hear that deafening boom.Subsequently, a great wave of residual energy rolled out in all directions. Blocked by the volcano walls, it proceeded to shootupward.In a trice, those in the volcanic crater were all sent flying by that force before they realized what was happening. They fell off oneafter another, promptly resulting in severe injuries and devastating casualties.Even Kazuo toppled over and hit the ground hard.All who could stand in the volcanic crater were some of the most capable people in Jetroina's martial arts world.Yet, at that vely moment, the aftermath of Jared and Kawasaki's duel rendered them severely injured or dead.That was evidence of the tremendous power in the battle between the two men.The magma that gushed out of the volcanic crater initially splattered out due to the force from the residual energy during the duelthis time and rained down from the sky.At once, many people were scalded by the magma, their wails of pain echoing incessantly. Right then, the outside of the volcaniccrater resembled hell on Eanh.Meanwhile, Jared and Kawasaki stared at each other after exchanging that blow.Kawasaki's expression started taking on a grim shade, and his right arm trembled imperceptibly.With just that first exchange of blows earlier, he had sensed the infinite energy within Jared.After all, a single move was all it took to tell the victor when elites battled.His pupils abruptly began constricting. Despite having cultivated for more than a hundred years, he doubted himself in thatinstant.Even if Jared had cultivated from the day he was conceived, he shouldn't possess such colossal martial energy!Nonetheless, he remained fearless in the face of his shock.He was convinced that the martial energy within Jared would eventually be exhausted in spite of its enormity.On the contrary, he could perpetually absorb the heat from the underground magma so long as he remained in the volcaniccrater.In other words, he could have an unending stream of power infusion, but the same could not be said of Jared.That was his advantage.“Let me see how much manial energy exactly you can store in your body, kidl"Having said that, Kawasaki let out a roar and attacked Jared once more.He used his palm as a blade and swung it at Jared without holding back.This time, the martial energy was so condensed that it immediately cut through the air with a piercing whizz.

Seeing that, Jared swiped a fingerthrough the air, using it as a sword. Aflash of golden li htVséjrqrneEe@mrmmmn i ense burst ofspiritual energy shooting out from hisfinger. It then condensed into a longsword and likewise struck atKawasaki. Please read the originalcontent at Dramanovelscom.Although neither of them used weapons, they formed blades with their energies and battled.Clang!While the blades were formed by condensed energy, they still produced a crisp metallic cling upon collision.

On the heels of that, Kawasaki'sdomineering blade was seve 6%the glint of ggmf?M@A§d's lade.We r, the terrifying sword energydid not stop there. It headed straightfor Kawasaki's chest. Please read theoriginal content at Dramanovelscom.

Kawasaki's brows creased, and hehad no choice but to ba? aw???fediwgomtb , ls retreatt was considered a defeat in theeyes of others. Please read theoriginal content at Dramanovelscom.novelbin

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