A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1846
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Chapter 1846

“It looks like I've underestimated you, young man,” Primero said angrily.

He turned toward the Black Silver Robe members and shouted, “Tercero! Quadrico! Cinco! Team up

and take him down!”

That b*stard was pretending to be weak at the start to trick me into letting my guard down, and I fell for

it! Segundo died horribly because of my mistake. I need to avenge him! The three of them should be

able to take him down with ease! There's no way he can defeat all three of them by himself!

“You b*stard! I'm going to kill you and avenge Segundo!” Cinco roared as he swung his sword at Jared.

Tercero and Quadrico, too, attacked Jared at the same time.

It was obvious that the Black Silver Robe members had trained together very often, as they could

launch simultaneous attacks with perfect timing.

Even when faced with a simultaneous attack by three Black Silver Robe members, Jared did not panic

in the slightest. As he raised his Dragonslayer Sword to block Cinco's attack, Tercero's Iron Fist attack

reached his chest.

Jared frowned slightly as he retracted his sword and jumped back to dodge the incoming punch.

Before he could even steady himself, however, the tip of a nine-section whip came flying toward him. It

emitted a golden glow as it grazed his Golem Body. The next thing Jared knew, a huge chunk of Golem

Body's scales had disappeared.

“Ha! Let's see if you can dodge our attacks!” Quadrico shouted, a vicious look in his eyes. He

maneuvered his nine-section whip to launch another attack from a different angle while Cinco slashed

at Jared's legs at the same time.

Tercero jumped into the air and slammed his Iron Fist down from above. They were clearly trying to kill

Jared with this combined attack of theirs.

Driven by their desire to avenge Segundo, the three of them had forgotten Malphas' advice.

Everyone in the crowd tensed up as they watched from the side.

Malphas, who was occupying Skylar's body at the time, frowned as he mumbled, These fools! Lord

Tanner will have their heads if they kill him!

“Should we remind them, Mr. Malphas?” Skylar asked.

Forget it... Let's just watch and see how it goes, Malphas replied.

Jared's body exuded a bright golden glow as he let out a loud battle cry. The next thing everyone knew,

his Dragonslayer Sword flew out of his hand when he swung it.

Naturally, they assumed that he had lost his grip on his weapon due to fear. Unbeknownst to them, the

Dragonslayer Sword was actually capable of moving on its own.

There was a bright spark when the Dragonslayer Sword clashed against Cinco's sword and cut it in half


Jared clenched his right fist, which emanated a golden glow, as he yelled, “Sacred Light Fist!”

He slammed it at Tercero with all his might, sending the latter flying with a single punch.


In just the blink of an eye, Jared had defeated all three Black Silver Robe members.

Tercero screamed in pain as his arm had been twisted and broken from the punch.

The crowd began discussing among themselves after witnessing the carnage. Content belongs to


“Those of you who put your money on the Warriors Alliance is about to lose it all!”

“Jared is ridiculously overpowered!”

The crowd was mocking the Warriors Alliance and the seven Black Silver Robe members.

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