A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1804
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Chapter 1804

“I want to kill you! I'll kill you all!”

With that said, the man rushed toward Jared, brandishing his knife wildly.

Gilbert's expression turned icy. In the blink of an eye, he intercepted the attack and sent the man flying

away with a single punch.

The blow was so heavy that the assailant spat out a mouthful of blood. He collapsed on the ground,

unable to get up.

Gilbert stepped forward and was about to finish the attacker off, but Jared stopped him.

“Don't kill him just yet. Let's check out who it is.”

How did someone just rush out of the fog like this? Jared was quite curious about the ambusher's


As Jared and company approached the ambusher to get a closer look, they soon realized that he was

a disciple of Flaming Sect.

The disciple was wide-eyed with a deeply horrified expression. Despite his severe injuries, he kept

muttering the same thing over and over. “Kill you! Kill you all!”

“I think this person is mentally deranged,” said Evangeline as she looked at the Flaming Sect disciple.

Jared could tell as well. This man was suffering from mental impairment, which explained why he

behaved in such a frenzied manner.

“Be careful, everyone. I think this fog isn't as simple as it seems.”

After Jared's warning, the group continued their journey without giving a hoot about that Flaming Sect


Jared thought Flaming Sect had absolutely nothing to do with him, so it wasn't necessary to save a

member of the sect.

Moreover, Joel had even forced them to deal with the tiger demon, which showed Flaming Sect was

clearly an evil sect.

However, as Jared and the others covered a certain distance ahead, they noticed that the fog beforenovelbin

them had changed into a beautiful shade of pink.

Flaxseed's expression changed drastically when he noticed the pink fog.

“Be careful, everyone. This fog can harm the mind and trigger brutality in everyone who encounters it!”

exclaimed Flaxseed loudly.

Very quickly, they all held their breaths and concentrated hard to protect their minds from being

manipulated by the mist.

Jared felt quite dizzy and disoriented as soon as he stepped into the pink fog.

Yet, as the gold light flickered in Jared's mind, he soon became alert.

Flaxseed and Gilbert looked dead ahead with serious expressions on their faces, daring not to be

distracted in the slightest.

Evangeline, on the other hand, appeared relatively relaxed. She bore the spirit of a holy maiden of

Lunarius Palace in her body, an ancient spirit that had thousands of years of experience.

Therefore, her mind had long since become impregnable.

As Jared and his party walked deeper into the mist, Flaxseed and Gilbert's foreheads were covered in

cold sweats. Though they struggled to concentrate, their eyes gradually turned red.

An aura of rage slowly welled in their bodies, but neither of them noticed it yet.

When Jared sensed the shift in aura that radiated from Flaxseed and Gilbert, he knew that they would

not be able to hold on for much longer. After all, nobody knew how much more time they needed until

they could leave the area.

All of a sudden, Jared remembered his calming incantation. Isn't it the perfect thing to keep the fog at


Having said that, Jared transferred the calming incantation to the two of them without hesitation.

Just as Jared thought they could pass through this fog with ease, the sounds of a battle rang out ahead

and caught his attention.

The battle sounded intense, with screams of agony echoing every now and then. Content of


Jared and company glanced at each other and immediately headed toward the direction of the fight.

They each had a pair of bloodshot eyes, and they were fighting each other as if they were all sworn


At this moment, the ground was already littered with corpses.

Danny, who had also gone insane, kept brandishing his weapon relentlessly.

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