A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1722
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Chapter 1722

Godrick led the rest of Deragon Sect away. Instead of resting, Jared used his blood to create pills that

would free one from the shackles of the mundane world once one consumed it.

Nearing midnight, Norm sought Jared and led him behind the palace.

The land behind the palace was still a pile of rubble like before. Jared stared at the mess as memoriesnovelbin

of his old battles resurfaced in his mind.

The blood demon statue lay on the ground, devoid of its former might.

Soon enough, the clock struck midnight. The statue began emitting a faint glow, and drops of dew

seeped onto its surface.

Jared stepped forward and touched the statue. A dew drop was instantly absorbed into his body,

followed by a refreshing sensation, which he found immensely comforting.

He explained to Norm, “These dew drops are bursting with spiritual energy so don't waste them. Send

some men to collect them!”

Though Jared did not know the reason behind this phenomenon, he knew without a doubt that the dew

drops were rich in spiritual energy.

Over the next few days, Godrick showed his men around Encanta Island, which went a long way in

helping them to relax.

Jared busied himself creating pills and eventually produced a batch of blood-red pills containing his

own blood.

Then, he gathered Godrick and the others, instructing them to consume the pills.

The crimson color and bloody stench of the pills were repulsive, to say the least.

Still, no one dared to disobey Jared's instructions, and they dutifully swallowed the pills.

Warmth coursed through their bodies almost instantly. They could feel some changes in their meridians

and even their blood.

Then, Jared's spiritual sense took over the men's consciences, and he began imparting new

techniques into their minds.

He declared to the crowd, “From now on, you must forget the cultivation techniques of your past and

focus on practicing these new techniques. Feel free to ask me for help if you have any difficulties.”

“Yes, Mr. Chance!”

Their excitement was palpable as they headed off to cultivate under Jared's instructions.

While they were cultivating, Jared spent most of his time absorbing the spiritual energy from the blood

demon statue.

The statue seemed to release spiritual energy every night which condensed into dew drops. Jared had

Norm collect all the dew drops for Godrick and his men.

And so they repeated this schedule during their stay on Encanta Island.

Though Jared was away from Jadeborough, the martial arts world remained peaceful. No one tried to

stir up trouble with Deragon Sect.

Lizbeth and the other young women had a smashing time at Crimson Palace.

They got along well and passed each day with joy and laughter.

Their favorite moment of the day was listening to Evangeline's bizarre stories of the past.

Little did they know that Evangeline was recounting her personal experience instead of passing on

rumors she had heard.

One day, the women gathered as usual for lunch.

Everyone shrugged off Evangeline's absence and dug into lunch.

They were blissfully unaware that Evangeline was in a car speeding away from Jadeborough.

Her eyes were shut, and she looked pallid. Content belongs to Draмa?ovеls.cом

The driver of the car was none other than Kazuo.

Evangeline had woken up by then. She did not panic after seeing Kazuo.

Meanwhile, Kazuo heaved a sigh of relief once he led Evangeline all the way to the secret samurai


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