A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1685
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Chapter 1685

Jared stepped forward and tore the charm off Evangeline's forehead while retorting, “Zombie puppet?

That's nonsense!”

“Hey! Are you bewitched by this female corpse? Why don't you trust me? Or is she your type?”

Flaxseed scrutinized Jared, finding him strange.

“As if!” The latter rolled his eyes at him, then explained everything to him.

It was only after Flaxseed heard Jared's explanation did he comprehend the situation. He burst into

laughter and exclaimed, “Tell me the truth. Have you taken advantage of her? She doesn't know any

better, so you can do whatever you want with her.”

“I'm not as disgusting as you.” Jared was speechless. It looks like Flaxseed has been spending a lot of

time with women during his time in Whitesea. Otherwise, why is he full of dirty thoughts?

Flaxseed responded, “Then why did you bring her here? I must inform you that I am not skilled enough

to treat her.”

He assumed that Jared brought Evangeline to have him help cure her condition.

“I don't need you to treat her condition. I've already gotten a prescription for that, but there is one herb

I'm missing—Century Eye Herb. I can't find it anywhere. Do you know where I can get it?” Jared asked.

“Century Eye Herb?” Flaxseed furrowed his brows but quickly perked up. “Oh, I know where to get it!”

“Where?” Jared urged eagerly.

“I can tell you the location, but first, you need to get me a charm spell from Skywrath Sect,” Flaxseed

announced smugly.

“F*ck! Don't you know how dangerous that place is? Are you trying to get me killed?” Jared glared at


Flaxseed chuckled and reassured him by saying, “Don't worry. I won't let you die. Do you think I've just

been having a good time? I've explored the ancient ruins of Skywrath Sect multiple times. We'll be safenovelbin

as long as we don't step through Skywrath Sect's gate. As for the charm traps inside the tunnel, both of

us can handle them!”

Jared was astonished. “How can I get you the charm spell if we don't go in?”

“Ah, don't bother about that. Anyhow, it's not dangerous. As long as you get me the charm spell, I'll

most definitely help you find Century Eye Herb,” Flaxseed promised.

He was keeping Jared in suspense.

The latter stared at him for some time before nodding in agreement.

With a serious countenance, Jared warned, “If you dare to set me up, I'll make sure you pay for it.”

Flaxseed simply could not hide his delight, smiling as he replied, “Relax! Why would I harm you? I still

want to count on you in the future.”

They then headed to Crescent Sect together.

After they passed through the Crescent Sect and arrived at the entrance of Skywrath Sect's ancient

ruins, Jared could not help but get anxious. His heart raced at the sight of the darkness that awaited


After all, they barely made it out alive when they first entered the ancient ruins.

“Let's go. We'll be fine. I've entered this place several times,” Flaxseed urged.

Then, he grabbed Jared's arm and strode forward.

“You know nothing! She's not just any other woman, for her body is tougher than mine.” Jared gave him

the side-eye. New chapter avаilable o? Drаmаnovels.com

“Really?” Flaxseed's interest in Evangeline was piqued. He reached out, intending to touch her body.

“What are you doing?” Jared immediately slapped his hand away.

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