A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1556
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Chapter 1556

"A Nascent Soul at around twenty years old?" Tigris was stunned for a moment. "If this were during

ancient times, it would have been nothing strange. But in today's world, a genius like that is extremelynovelbin


After he contemplated it for a while, Tigris spoke up once more. "Don't mind him. As long as he doesn't

stir up trouble, leave him be... By the way, the faith energy has been showing signs of decline lately. Is

this how you do things? You're incomparable to your brother," said Tigris in an icy tone.

Upon hearing that, Terrell trembled all over. He pleaded, "I'll see to it right away. Please forgive me,


"Go. If you're not a good fit for this position, then let others take over." Tigris dismissed Terrell with a

wave of his hand.

Terrell left hurriedly with cold sweat dripping down his face.

Meanwhile, Tigris went into a valley located behind his residence. A huge statue was placed right in the

middle of the valley.

The statue looked ancient. It had been worn down over the years and begun to show signs of damage.

Even so, its dignified and majestic aura was not the slightest obscured despite its decrepit state.

A meditation cushion was placed in front of it. Respectfully, Tigris knelt down before the statue.

The moment Terrell got back to the palace, he called for a meeting with all the Great Elders.

"Make an announcement that everyone must go and worship immediately. Those who do not comply

will be exiled from Encanta Island!" said Terrell coldly.

The Great Elders wasted no time in getting everything arranged upon receiving the order.

Everyone on Encanta Island set aside what they were doing at once and went to the nearest temple to


Flaxseed was having his meal when he noticed everyone stop what they were doing and rush out. He

was curious, so he followed them.

What he then saw was many people going into a temple. They did their worshipping and left after they

were done.

After entering the temple along with the crowd, Flaxseed was surprised to find that the object of

worship was not any deity in particular but an ambiguous one-meter-tall stone statue.

Why are they worshipping a stone statue? Aren't these people cultivators? Why would they worship a

stone statue like this?

"Hey, you! Why aren't you worshipping? Do you want to be exiled from Encanta Island?" An old man

who was over seventy years old spoke up when he noticed that Flaxseed was standing there in a daze.

Following that, Flaxseed quickly knelt and bowed his head twice as a sign of worship.

However, unbeknownst to him, a wisp of white vapor arose from his body and went into the stone

statue when he bowed down!

After Flaxseed was done, he exited the temple with the elderly man.

"Mister, can you please tell me why the people here worship a stone statue but not deities? Also, why

did everyone suddenly rush over to the temple like they'd just received an order?" asked Flaxseed

curiously as he fished out a cigarette for the elder and lit it up for the latter.

Puffing on the cigarette, the old man glanced at Flaxseed and said, "You must be new here."

"Yes, that's right. I'm new here..." replied Flaxseed while nodding his head.

"Listen here. An order just came from the palace that everyone has to worship today. Whoever doesn't

comply will be exiled from Encanta Island. That was why everyone came to worship in a hurry,"

explained the old man.

"Why must we worship a stone statue?" asked Flaxseed.

"Beats me. That's just how things are around here. Someone should have told you this when you first

came here. Didn't anyone brief you?" inquired the old man while looking at Flaxseed in a slightly

confused manner.

In response, Flaxseed shook his head. "I've been here a couple of months, but no one told me about


"I see. You must have come here as a traveler. So that's why you didn't know that you were supposed

to worship at the temple. Let me tell you. There are rules on this island that must be obeyed..."

As the old man informed Flaxseed about the ways of the island, the latter slowly got a better

understanding of Encanta Island.

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