A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 1409
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Chapter 1409

Meanwhile, Ryker returned to the residence looking all gloomy and brooding. The outcome of Jared's

battle with Diego made him worry.

Edgar noticed the mood his father was in, so he asked, “What's wrong, Dad?”

Raising his head, Ryker looked at his son. Edgar was healed for the most part, and his muscles were

growing back. “Edgar, Mr. Sanders himself demands that Jared take part in the Trial this time,” he


The news excited Edgar. “That's great, then! I can use the Trial as a pretext to kill Jared and absorb his


“Don't underestimate his power, Edgar. His strength has improved a lot more than I thought. Even Zion

lost an arm to him. Remember Diego? The one who has gone missing for decades? He fought Jared

today, and I saw with my own eyes how Jared destroyed him. It was horrifying! If he does join the Trial,

I'm afraid you would be no match for him,” Ryker stated honestly.

Upon hearing that, Edgar finally started getting solemn as well. He never thought Jared could grow this

powerful in such a short time. However, a moment later, he spoke up. “Dad, we're the hosts of this

Trial, so we can control who the participants are. I say we do this...”

Edgar huddled closer and whispered his plan into Ryker's ear. The old man's face lit up, and he

nodded. “Okay. I'll make the arrangements. He's strong, but there's no way he can fight off everyonenovelbin


With that, Ryker got up and left, while Edgar's eyes lit up with bloodlust. “I'll make your life a living hell

this time, Jared.”

On the flip side, Zion scrambled back all the way to the Warriors Alliance in Jadeborough. He was

huffing and puffing, but his heart was filled with rage.

Even Diego lost to him. Who else can kill Jared?

At the sight of the ruffled Zion, Skylar plastered a smile. “You're back early, President Zeigler. How did

the battle go?”

“Do you seriously need to ask? I would be holding that b*stard's head by now if it went well,” Zion

snapped. He wanted to vent his anger at Skylar.

Even so, Skylar did not get mad as he kept on smiling. “Worry not, President Zeigler. We've raised a

quartet of powerful fighters, and now we can mobilize them. If we make a move today, Jared won't stay

alive for much longer.”

Oh, yeah. We have the quartet. At that thought, Zion's eyes gleamed. “Right. How could I have

forgotten about them?”

“This time, they'll be joining the Trial held by the Deragons, and Jared will be there as well. Nobody can

help them while they're inside, so...” Skylar trailed off, a sneer on his face.

A hearty laugh escaped Zion's at his words, and his frown was wiped away. Even Skylar looked less

annoying to him now.

Just then, an alliance member came in and reported, “President Zeigler, Mr. Deragon wishes to see


“Why is Ryker looking for me at this hour?” A frown knitted Zion's brows.

Skylar had a guess. “If I'm guessing correctly, he's here to talk about how to get rid of Jared with you.

The Deragons have bad blood with Jared, especially in Edgar's case. Jared ruined him once, and they

definitely won't let it slide. Not to mention Jared just killed Diego. Ryker must have noticed the

impending crisis, so he came seeking an ally.”

Needless to say, Skylar was a meticulous and scheming man. Barely anyone could see through him,

much less what he was thinking. He never wore his heart on his sleeve, and this man would become

Jared's nemesis in the future.

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