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Chapter 88

Ahand reached down to stroke my head and | looked up at Christof. He looked absolutely miserable. As much as I'd worriedabout him the Last couple of days, it looked Like he had been worrying about me. Again, | had to think he was worth it. No oneelse treated me the way he did.

“It’s still early brothers,” Master Bane announced, “some of the other Warriors have a game in the arena if they can get enoughfamilies.”

Amurmur of consensus went through the group and we made our way to the grassy area they played in. We stopped at a placeinside the compound first and Master Bane picked something up.

When we made it to the slave’s tent Christof fed me what they had bought. It tasted like dried meat, but at least it wasn’t worms.He offered me a long drink of something cool and then went to join his brothers. He still Looked tormented.

| tried to find a more comfortable way to hold my back, but that was impossible. The dull ache was a constant and theintermittent burn when | moved wrong made me crazy.

Fuji and Rose showed up and | was glad for their companionship. They asked if there was anything they could do to help me. |laughed and asked them if they had an ice pack.

“Don’t get caught,” | heard Rose whisper as Fuji scooted closer to me.She had laid her arm across my back. | tensed at first, but the cool helped a lot. | seconded Rose’s opinion though.

“Fuji, it's not worth it. If you get blood on you and they’LL know what you are doing. You'll get caught and then there will be two ofus Like this. | couldn't stand to see anyone else miserable. It’s bad enough watching how bad Christof Looks.”

Fuji didn’t move her arm away, just moved it to a new spot. “First, the blood is dried and second what do you mean he looksbad?” she asked.

“He didn’t want them to punish me and he feels guilty about it,” | answered, carefully watching the game for any sign the Warriorshad noticed her.

The girls sucked in a collective gasp and | glanced at Rose, she looked shocked. “He doesn’t agree with his brothers? That isn’tpossible.

Ciara, watch the game they are looking at us,” she commanded.

| looked back and could see Master Damien’s head turned in my direction. When he turned away | begged Fuji to stop, theywere going to find out.


“My Warriors did not instruct me not to do this and yours don’t know what I’m doing. You worry too much, Ciara. You have toexplain it to us though. How is it that Christof feels differently from his brothers?

They think with one mind,” she said curiously.novelbin

“Oh, no,” | moaned dropping my head in my hands, “please don’t tell your Warriors what | said. | didn’t know that was weird. |don’t know how to help him. I’m just so frustrated,” | said.

Fuji up. | was too late. Master Damien was in my face a moment Later.

S arm moved away from me and Rose was whispering for me to look

“Are we not interesting to you, Ciara?”he asked cooly erqadting before meTHe@onthhe is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“I'm sorry Master Damien, it won'thappen again,” | cece mMao he woulgnt ake me back tothe whipping post today. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You did not answer the question, slave,” he breathed ominously in my ear.

“You and your brothers are veryinteresting to watch, Master Balrien,”| gaid with@ falfering voice. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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