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Chapter 71

| adored Christof and | did everything | could to show him that. As much as | could | talked to him about romance. He allowed meto hug and kiss him. Soon, he started to hug and kiss me without any prompting. It made me feel nice and normal for a change.

However, the more | got to know Christof the more he worried me. | could tell something was eating at him. Finally | decided toask him about it, | just had to take the chance. Gathering my courage, | took a good guess about what might be bothering him.

“You might get mad at me, but I just wanted to know. Did the women take you?”

He sighed and took a piece of food from the bowl for himself. “Yes, | was sent by the Administrators to patrol a section along themountains.

My brothers and | were ordered to split up to cover a larger territory.

The big one picked me up and flew off with me. She took me and kept me for a long time,” he answered. “She and her sistersneeded female children and | seem to make those most of the time.”

| shuddered, “It must have been horrible. Were you able to talk to your brothers about it?”

He laughed and started to hit a bamboo like tree that was sitting next to us, “My brothers know nothing of my capture and, for therecord, | was only treated poorly the first several days. During that time | was kept in a cell by myself, but she moved me to aplace with other men after a very short while. She had decided to keep me in the mountains long term.” low did you get away?” |gasped.

“| thought | could escape from them. Finally, the woman in charge told me they owned me; | would never escape. The only menmy brothers and | found were men they released because they no longer needed them. | still tried to get away, that’s when shebeat me. | was miserable.” His face fell as he talked.

“She wanted me to live and be happy. My owner, Nu-reeh, said they had decided to take my brothers to be with me, theAdministrators would send them on a job like | had been sent. | stopped being able to get erections; the thought of my brothersliving that way upset me and | told them that,” he sighed.

“| told them if they sent me back, | would do what they wanted. | would keep to an increased coupling schedule, give them asmany girls as they needed. They just couldn’t do that to my brothers.”

“The women told me if | did as they asked they would leave us alone.novelbin

They told me to explain the new rules to my brothers. If | started trouble, the women said they would destroy me.”I sat in stunned silence

“Your brothers will protect you, Christof,” | said pulling him to face me.


“They can’t protect me. No one here can protect anyone. We are owned by the women. We live at their discretion. | am as mucha slave as you are. When they find | will no Longer perform for them | will be deemed useless. They will destroy me,” he saidstarting to walk back the way we’d come.

“Well, you're not useless, you can have sex with them. You have sex with me all the time,” | said trailing after him trying toprocess.

“You don’t understand, Ciara. | was raised to believe | was free, but they let me see the inner workings of our world at least alittle of it. | listened to the other males they keep in the mountains. They control everything.”

“The women mine and sell the orethat make us a rich planet. Theymark us when we are born, put

with others they-sehed ve Wwilt'get onwelliwithY AS we grow, they watch usto make sure we do the job they setout for us. The Administrators andthe General talk to them and handtheir edicts down to us,” he continuedat a brisk pace back talking angrily.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“| cannot preform for them, | cannot live like this. Let them destroy me.”“Wait a God damned minute,” | said stopping.

Christof turned to look at mequizzically. “You ara,spepking tie |wrong language, Ciara,” he said. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“I'm cursing you,” | shouted angrily inhis language, “I’m sorry it's not goodenough for you, but sometimes that’show it is. You can't just lay down anddie because you.dortdiBe ic GoWwould youFeal iF said that to you? |am a slave, | was raised free, and I’mdoing just fine. You can't leave me. |care for you. Your brothers care foryou,” tears were streaming down myface by now. | knew a coupling wascoming up for them. “You have to talkto your brothers,” | cried to him. “Youhave to do what you are supposed to.Please, don't leave me.” The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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