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Chapter 53

“Why can’t you just leave me at home when you go on patrol?” | mumbled to no one in particular.Master Damien started to reach for me with an irritated look on his face.

“I'm sorry, | didn’t mean it. | understand, no more questions,” | stuttered backing away from him.The threat was in his eyes, | had pissed him off. “Come here, slave,” he said bluntly.

Gulping down my fear | moved to stand in front of him. ALL the men were lounging on steps in the water. They watched me withinterest, | must be better than having a TV. Master Damien looked calmly up at me while | trembled.

“Do not ever move away from me when | reach for you, do you understand?” he told me.

| was learning that whenever he asked me if | understood that was something that would get me in trouble if | did it again.“Yes, Master Damien, it won’t happen again,” | answered watching him warily.

“Good, have a seat next to me,” he commanded.

I sat and the men talked. They moved around, but | stayed in my spot. | hadn’t noticed them move away slightly, it was a heatedconversation about the campaign that had drawn them in.novelbin

Water splashed up as new male bodies joined me on either side. | wanted to scream, but | didn’t want to be talking to other men.| just sat quietly as the new men ran their hands over my body. They twisted my nipples hard and | didn’t make a sound. Oneman bent my fingers back until they feared they would break, but | didn’t even whimper. They pinched between my legs anddrove their fingers deep inside of me. | fought hard not to cry out.

The treatment was ten times worse than the posts, but | stayed silent.ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY

Another male body was standing in front of me, blocking my line of sight to my owners. Tears streaked down my face as |watched the hands torture me in the water.

| heard the angry shouts when my Warriors noticed me. Damien was talking in a cold voice to the men, but | was too scared tounderstand him. The whole area had gone quiet watching us. The man was speaking harshly back to Master Damien. Theaggressive conversation was the only speaking going on at the pool, everyone else was silent.

Suddenly, one of the offending men had me by the throat pulling me out of the water. | felt his fingers digging into my neck abovethe metal collar. My air was cut off and | tried not to panic. Both my feet dangled over the pool.

“If you cannot protect it, you shouldn't have it,” he taunted Master Damien squeezing my throat tighter.

My vision started to blur around the edges. | clawed at his hand, but he wouldn’t release me. The way | was being held | sawmost of the pool. All the Warriors Looked pissed. Many of those surrounding us were shouting at the man holding me angrily. |started to fade out listening to them.

The General's booming voice cut through the haze that was starting to invade my mind. My new captor heard it and dropped me.| never hit water or the side of the pool. Master Bane had moved from the beside us and caught me. | took a much neededbreath and felt my pounding head start to clear. | pressed my face into Master Bane’s hairy chest and gulped down mouthfuls ofair.

No one at the pool was talking and |looked up to see w Pye Generalwes here oth contest with the

arrior that had been holding me.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“You touched another Warrior's slavewithout permission. Am | tounderstand youclihyd(ebecatise y youdenot: iQe Damien and hisbrothers can protect what is theirs?”he asked the other man. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“| do not believe they can protectanyone. They should no longer be

called Warriors. s\seeep bspkeepets goGeni or and a Warriorrefu

ses to go? It is anembarrassment to all of us. NoWarrior lives in fear, they are notWarriors,” he stated authoritatively.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“You are presumptuous Andre, remember your place,” the General said.

He turned to look at us and | dropped my eyes down. | winced when | moved my head, my neck was really sore.

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