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Chapter 614

The roar inside the cave died away swiftly. That Loud growl I’d finally gotten used to faded away and the quiet hum of the solarcraft was left. | turned and looked at Thom who was grinning broadly.

“We must stay hidden here, speed is not as important as stealth. ALL of our transports run on ore and stored solar power.Depending on where we are dictates which we use,” he said.

| saw the man on the lead transport throw a lever embedded in the wall. The stone ceiling moved and shifted above him. Brightlight came through the opening and | prayed this awful ride would soon be over

As the transport Lifted into the sky | noted a man at each gun on the transport. They swiveled the barrels around as they raisedinto the light. Each transport rose the same way, with the Brothers each manning a gun.

“Come, Rachel,” Thom commanded, “you stand by me. |’ll show you how to work this machine. Ruth, you stand with my BrotherThad. Fuji stand near Brand.”

Our transport came to the opening in the rock and rose slowly. | blinked and squinted in the bright Light as Thom explained whathe was looking for. Racks Liked to attack here as did other creatures. To fire the weapon he only had to squeeze the place hishand was wrapped around. It was a very simple system.


We rose into the sky and | was struck dumb. Freedom looked different from anything | had ever imagined and the power of ittook my breath away.

This world seemed to burst with Life and color. Massive trees formed a perimeter around the opening. The deep green canopyabove was magnificent. The plants were bright and exotic.

| breathed in the fresh air outside the tunnel and it smelled of wilderness. It wasn’t the crisp pine scent of the forests on Earth.The sweet tang of flowers mixed with the natural odor of the trees and the Leaves here. | could smell the rich aroma of the soiland, all mixed together, it was unlike anything I’d experienced before on this world.

Taking a huge breath | almost thought | smelled jasmine in the air. | remembered the vines that had clung to my grandmother’smailbox. Looking around | didn’t see any, but when the breeze drifted by, | smelled it again. | wondered how much out here wouldbe familiar to me.

A branch to the right moved and | watched a small green animal run to the tree’s trunk. Noises all around us told me this areawas brimming with animals. There were sounds like a large bird’s call and other strange guttural sounds. Compared to thesilence of the compound, this was unreal.

The area reminded me of a rainforest. Clinging purple vines crept up the trees with large purple flowers hanging down. | sawplants of vibrant red and yellow spotting the ground and growing in crevices in the trees. The area was a blaze with color andteeming with Life.

“It's amazing!” | said and Thom Laughed.What did you say?” he asked curiously.

“| don’t know much of your language. | have learned some, but not enough.”

“Amazing,” | repeated in Paterian continuing to look around.“The entire planet was like this,” Thom said as the transport rose higher.

“The women cleaned the area around the compounds so they could watch the men better. Our world is meant to be filled withlife.”

| nodded and continued to take in thebreathtaking scenery, still my heartmourned. This moment seuexperengealitahy fay. A AS

rSund and saw them onther transport surrounded by othermen. Christof’s eyes caught mineand | saw the sadness there as well.We should have been together forthis. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The transports took off in single filetoward a set of hills in the near

distance. The pla) moysdnquietly yeyan the? t; cuttingthroUlgh the air just under the canopy.As we moved | saw small creaturesfrolicking and moving in the trees.This place was full of little animals,they were everywhere | Looked. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Occasionally the trees would part and | could see the area around us. The hills went on forever, covered in trees, plants, andthings | had no name for. Farther in the distance huge mountains could be seen rising far into the clouds. | had been right, thisworld was amazing.

Our line of transports traveledsteadily up an incline. It was evidentwe were climbing ns U4 locket!novelbin

wa atthe steép i Cline and realizedit Would be hard, but not impossibleon foot. Below us | saw several faintfootpaths winding around themountain. Someone walked here.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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