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Chapter 598

Evan disagreed and tried to take the pad, “It is not good to have other men near you. Let us do this a different way.”

There was nowhere to run in this Little apartment and going outside was not an option. | took the one action | knew might gettheir attention. My fingers refused to give up the device and | dropped to my knees.

“Please, Masters, please help me, | cannot survive this way. You must let me escape. | will do anything to get away.”“You are not a slave,” Bane said pulling at my arm to make me stand. “Get off your knees and do not address us this way.”novelbin

Tears ran down my face as | shook my head and refused to rise. “I am your slave if you keep me here, Masters. | am bound byyour will. As long as you make my choices for me, | am only a slave.”

Angela’s Library

My statement offended them greatly. Damien bent and scooped me up as | cradled the pad to my chest.“Please protect me,” | begged him. “Please allow me to escape this.”

“It is not safe,” he said quietly, setting down on a chair with me on his lap.

“They may hurt you without us there to protect you.”

“Hannah is sending them,” | pleaded.

“She would not send men that would hurt me. Please, my love, please save me.”

| ended my entreaty curling my head under his chin. It further protected the pad against my chest. There was no way | was givingit to him only to have him rip my chance at freedom away.

Damien’s heart beat slow and steady in his chest. | Listened to it as the men had their silent conversation. Glancing around | sawthe consternation on the faces around me.

Christof’s eyes met mine and he explained the difficulty they had with this. Leaving me at the mercy of “others” was somethingthey had always been told was wrong. Besides that, every time I’d been left with “others”, I'd been hurt.

Damien’s heart sped up and | knew the decision had been made. Clutching the pad to my chest tighter, | waited for theproclamation

“You are our Sister,” Damien told me slowly, “and we wish to respect your choices. We will do this Hannah’s way because youwish to.”

I'd never felt so elated. | looked up athim and saw the concern on his.features. This wag notte Yetlsiontheywdlthave chosen, but theywere respecting the wishes of themost opinionated family member.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!

Read the latest chapter there!

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” | gushed kissing his chin, his jaw, and finally his mouth.“Evan, go get Stayne and his Brothers. Kein, find Basin’s family and bring them here. We must talk,” Damien ordered.

| was bouncing | was so excited. As we waited for our guests | helped clean up the eating area. | straightened the wholeapartment as we waited. Everything was put away when the men returned.

Basin and Stayne’s families weren'tsurprised we were planning anescape. Stayne hadguessed @ ightaway, aid Basin-had wondered for awhile. Damien's family had beenmuch too intent on learning aboutthe world beyond the mountains. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

“We have no interest in going,” Staynetold Damien quite bluntly as we stoodaround the sittigg eheAOMYbrothersalndilar Sbpy in this compound.We have a good life here and we arequite satisfied.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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