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Chapter 586

My health and well being were still a priority. She watched what | ate and what | did every day. The men still came and watchedme swim every day. It was much like when | waspregnant.

Also like during thepregnancy, my contact with my daughters was Limited after Jonathan’s birth. The girls had to ask permissionto see us and Jonathan could not go out into the mines. My girls visited in our area for specified amounts of time. | knew Nu-reehmonitored us.

Nu-reeh had given the girls instructions. Jonathan could touch them if he wanted, but they were never to Lay a hand on him. Hewas virtual royalty in our Little world.

Jonathan crawled over the girls and tasted their fur. When they satIndian stylehe liked to settle in the warmth of their Laps andsleep. My littlesonadored his birth sisters and squealed with joy whenever they came to visit.

Not surprisingly, my girls were still at it. When they physically came to see me, they couldn’t say much. The messages on thepad | got from them told me what they were doing to help the freedom effort.

As they traveled around they did different jobs, usually reconnaissance, for the rebel leaders. Hannah was also involved inrescues from the compounds. Just from the way she told me stories | knew she protected the men fiercely.novelbin

| didn’t know exactly how human children grew, but | knew about Paterians. Much like his sisters Jonathan started to try to walkafter his first moon. By that time, he finally wanted to sleep when the men did and wanted to wake when the moons sat. It wasrelieving to sleep at night, but walking brought new challenges to us.

Nu-reeh kept him well dressed as his needs changed. The day he started to stand she had little pants sent for him. As soon asthe clothing got tight on his growing body, the right size was sent. She was very attentive to his needs.

Those strange big eyes began to Look slightly more normal as he grew. His face seemed to grow around them. The long blondehair framed his face, making him Look almost angelic. He was a markedly handsome Little man.

There were issues, though, and things | would never have considered | could screw up. Inadvertently | slowed his ability tospeak. | sang to him and spoke around him inEnglish.| didn’t do it to be rebellious, | was just used to Hannah and Kennedy, whoknew both Languages.

For instance, when | knitted Jonathan was enthralled by the movement of the needles. He’d watch them carefully for a time andthen reach out to grab them. What usually happened after that was a tug of war as half a morning’s worth of knitting fell apart.

“Gimme,” I'd say inEnglish, laughing at his antics, “mine, not yours.” Jonathan learned the words from me quickly. When hestarted to babble it was a blend. Some of the words were Paterian and someEnglish. Only Rose and | could truly understand thestrange mixture of words and phrases that he started to use.

Nu-reeh was displeased at his language, but gruffly informed me it would be fixed at the Child Keepers. | swallowed the tears |wanted to shed and merely thanked her. Hannah and Kennedy would free my baby boy. One day he could speak any Languagehe wished.

By the time the child had passed three moons, he could have been termed a devil. He was curious and strong. Evan brought himtoys and he dismantled them. He threw his blocks and bent his puzzle pieces. His favorite trick was to drop things into the pooland watch them sink Shiny stones the men brought him to play with were perfect for that. ALL in all, | could barely keep up withhim.

Evan feared for the boy around the water and taught him to swim. It wasn’t so much a lesson as a way to alleviate our fears. As itturned out, Jonathan had no fear of water and swimming in it came naturally to him. As soon as he was allowed to swim he’dswim down to the bottom and collect the things he’d thrown into the pool. Of course all he did was toss them back in to retrieveagain. He'd play that game all day if | allowed him.

Early on it had become apparent thatJonathan was too adventuresome tobe left alone. My friends and |developed a system when we mcleane y5rqoms.2 of us wouldwatch the boy as the other twoworked. As we moved from room toroom he’d grab the side of my dressor Rose's dress and babble away tous. Our time to clean was his time totalk. It seemed good practice for himsince he was usually too active tostop and converse. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Most of the time activity wasJonathan's motto. He ran circlesaround all of us. When | used a tablehe'd climb onto it only to jumPdtThe furiiture in Our apartment washis own personal jungle gym. He'dbound from chair to chair, nevertouching the floor. It wasn’t possibleto stop him. The word ‘no’ was like anignition switch. Damien Laughed andsaid it was just Like Evan. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Jonathan was Like Evan in otherways also. His hair grew so it randown his back. When it reached acertain point it seamed to, sid mmgrowing we Rept it tied back to keepit from tangling in everything. Gettinga knot out of Jonathan’s hair alwaysresulted in screams that sounded likebloody murder. Damien rememberedthat having been a frequent issuewhen they were young also. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

There were things about Jonathan that were certainly human attributes. Curiosity could have been his middle name. He wantedto do everything we did. Meal time was always a challenge. Without teeth he couldn’t really eat the food on our plates. He’dnurse and then he wanted to taste what we were having.

Lucky for us, as it turned out, | found he’d eat mashed up food. | would crush soft things, Like my sweet potato chunks and feedthat to him. It didn’t make him sick and he was growing well, so we always shared with him.

He nursed frequently, but ate something off mine or Evan’s plate at most meals. It seemed to make the little one happy. | wasalways glad when he was happy.

Jonathan was an all consuming task, but we all loved him. He loved us, too, in his own wild, childish way. Jonathan needed morethough.

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