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Chapter 564

| woke the next morning and sunlight was spilling into the bedroom. It was markedly late. The apartment was quiet as | rose andstretched. The space was unoccupied, except for me. | smiled seeing a large handwritten note stuck to the front door.

Do not open the door. Do not go outside. There is food for you in the blue bowls in the kitchen, your drink is in the cup. We will beback shortly.

In Damien’s style the note reiterated the instructions about not going outside several more times. It was explained that other menwould hurt me if | was found in the compound alone. My family had errands and | had seemed so tired when they woke up.

The largest blue bowl on the counter was that funny wet bread mixed with the red sprouts. A note next to the bowl stated theyknew this was not my favorite. The men also provided an orange in the second bowl. | was instructed to eat both and drink thefizzy drink they had left.

| had my breakfast in silence and then took the pad and wandered into the sitting area. Once more | tried to contact Hannah andlet her know I was fine, but she did not answer. | just sat and absently read an article on sea dwelling creatures while | waited forthe men.

After a while sleepiness crept up on me again. | curled onto the chaise under a blanket and decided to doze for just a fewmoments. My eyelids drifted closed as | watched the low fire flicker in the hearth. It was so peaceful.

“She is still tired,” | heard Kein whisper and | opened my eyes. Damien and his Brothers stood in the room staring at me. | hadnot even heard them enter. | stretched and smiled looking up at them. They weren't smiling back.

“How tired have you been?” Christof asked crouching in front of me.

His long fingers skimmed my cheeks and settled an unruly lock of hair behind my ear.

“It's been getting worse,” | answered sheepishly, waking up.

“I nap at the Keepers after Rose and | swim. | always do my laps in the water first, though.”novelbin

I'd been exhausted for a long while, but never thought to tell them. Damien was furious they had not been more attentive. It wasso obvious. They had been focused on Arnold's family and Tyle’s family and ignoring their own.

Angela’s Library

| was sleeping the way | did every time | was pregnant. My men were upset they had not noticed. They were even more upsetthey didn’t know it was because the children weakened me. It would have been better if they'd done as Nu-reeh wanted andwaited.

“Nu-reeh wants us in the mountains,” Damien said, “but we do not leave today. She does not want us to travel in the dark, whichwe would have to do if we left now. We leave tomorrow.”

“It is very strange,” Christof said settling on a chair across from me.

“We are to be escorted by four other families of Warriors to the cabin. You will rest there overnight and the other families willwatch the cabin. In the morning the other men Leave and the women will escort us to Nu-reeh’s home mountain.”

That was odd. The convoy madesense with the disappearances autthe stayi g overnight did not. We'dnvet broken travel to the mountainsinto a two day event. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Oh no,” | moaned pitifully, “I hope she isn’t putting us in a cave again.”

| flopped unceremoniously back down on the chaise and the men chuckled. Evan picked up my feet and then pulled them acrosshis Lap as he sat down.

“| doubt it,” he said seriously rubbingthe soles soothingly. “Nu-reeh hbecome unduly interested in Sourcbmifort. he even requested webring cushions so you could restduring the transport ride.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Odd for the men, but not for me. |told them about cars and how mhumans sat to jgayalifdhem thenyert shrUgged and stated Nu-reehmust want me to act Like we are inacar. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

I spent the day relaxing. Damien called off the House Cleaners and | just rested in our apartments. Most of the day | slept, | wasexhausted.

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