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Chapter 516

The winged baby in Nu-reeh’s grasp hissed and spit. She growled with a ferocity I'd never seen from Hannah. This girl wasfurious as the large woman checked her over.

“Feed her,” Nu-reeh grunted tossing the little girl at me and leaving.Catching the writing infant | tried to wrap and sooth her, but she refused to be tamed.“Daddy! she kept screaming in English, pushing the covers away.

It wasn’t hard to tell who she wanted. Every time Christof stepped in her line of sight she reached for him. | could see the familyresemblance in her eyes and the long line of her legs. She just wanted her father.

| rocked and coaxed her as | sat on the warm stone, but she wouldn't take the breast or calm down. She wanted Christof. Themen started to look frantic as she continued to scream.

They tried to clean me off, but she kept trying to wiggle closer to Christof.“| cannot touch you,” Christof said softly.“lam not permitted to touch you. Please understand. Feed from Mama and relax.”

Our daughter would not hear of it and screamed louder for him. Eventually we heard the clattering talons and Nu-reeh re-enteredour dwelling.

“Why have you not fed her?” she demanded glaring down at my wild little girl and me.

Damien answered for me as he tried to talk over the child’s cries. He informed Nu-reeh my daughter wanted her male breeder.The little girl was being insistent about it. She refused to feed.


Nu-reeh Looked over all of us fora moment. The writhing bundle in my arms hissed and screamed at her, demanding Christof'sattention. The look of disgust on Nu-reeh’s face terrified me, but | couldn’t silence our daughter.

Tosu entered and the room suddenly felt much too full. She took in everything going on and then spoke with Nu-reeh.novelbin

“The female is strong willed,” she commented. “I sense this one will be defiant and she must eat. Give her what she wants.”Nu-reeh growled and shifted her gaze to Tosu, “So the men are to feed her? How do you propose they do that?”

Tosu sighed and motioned to Christof.

“Let the men hold her and touch her. It would be a waste to lose a healthy female over this. Just let them know what you will do ifthey harm her,” she stated.

Nu-reeh was swayed by her Sister’s opinion and gave Damien’s family permission to touch Christof’s daughter. She did warnthem she’d remove their secondary teeth if anyone harmed the girl.

| handed Christof our baby and she was silent for the first time since she was born. Long fingers stroked away her tears as hecradled her. He touched her with obvious adoration.

Watching my friend hold our daughter did something to me and | couldn't tear my eyes away. | didn’t even notice Nu-reeh Leave.Christof holding his daughter was a mesmerizing experience.

Christof had never held a baby, but he’d seen me do it with Hannah. He supported her head and kept a hand under her back.Rocking her gently he shushed her as she shuddered in his arms.

Even through my own tears | couldsee her resemblance to her father,She had a lean puilaha bfilliant eyesthatiref fed the light. They werelighter than Christof’s, but still withthat strange purple hue. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“She has no fur and no hair,” Kein commented Leaning close. “Guess that must just grow in on Ciara’s girls. We need to keepher warm until then.”

“Look at the wings, though,” Bane pointed out, gingerly touching one as it hung loosely beneath her. “Much Larger thanHannabh’s at this stage. Imagine how they’LL Look mature.”

“Don’t crush them,” Evan warned his Brother, “remember how to fold them on her back.”

Five fathers surrounded the little girland fussed over her, wrappin hen inan absorbent tqweharida ki edblanRet! Key folded her wings justso and made her warm andcomfortable in Christof's arms. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“She is sticky,” Damien commented.“The Little one needs a bath.” ‘na bit,Brother,” Bang id udkingtteblanket Kere it had exposed herfeet. “Let her rest first. She looksexhausted.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| suddenly noticed Tosu still in the room watching. Before she turned | swear | saw pride in her eyes. Almost inaudibly | heard hersay, “This is how it should be.”

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