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Chapter 358

“You look terrible, Mama. I’m so sorry,” Hannah cried burying her face in my neck, “I couldn’t make it stop.”“| thought of you every day,” I told her honestly.

“Thinking of you as a happy, healthy girl out exploring the world made me feel good. It still does. Damien and his Brothers willcare for me now. You have to go. Don’t let them catch you here,” | said suddenly afraid if the other women saw her.

“Who cares what they want,” Hannah said not releasing me.“I'd rather die here with you than be off having a fun time while they hurt you.”“It was fun?” | asked stroking her back. “Tell me what you did, what you saw.”

| knew she wouldn't Leave until she’d gotten the reassurance she came for. Despite my desire to see her safe, | desperatelywanted to talk to her, too.

We held each other and Hannah told me what she had been doing. | understood North, South, East, and West, so she usedthose directions to describe where she had been. She'd travelled to the nearest mountain range to the West, the one the mencalled the red mountains. The real name was the T’ylene Mountains. It wasn’t that different from here.

The amazing trip had been the one she took North.

“The men are all held along the equator of this planet, Mama. The rest of the planet is too dangerous for them. The equator issafe and temperate. In the North women live and work in large groups...| guess you would say centers of civilization, maybe youcould say cities. Some women only leave them once a year to rent some men and try to mate.”

“Year?” | asked, “Like an Earth year?”

“Yes, the women track time by the sun, like you did at home. | think a year is Longer here than on Earth. The men track time bythe changing moons,” she continued.

“The women track everything they can, including me. The women knew | would be coming before | got there. | am ‘Hannah, fromthe T’stan mountains, Nu-reeh’s daughter by a second’.

ninjanovel.com| didn’t know what to say to that and she continued to talk.novelbin

“They have computers, Mama, but not like on Earth. The computers are living things. The technology the women have isamazing.”

| was a little shocked as we sat down next to each other. “So this is an advanced world? | got the feeling it was still wild,” |mused.

Hannah continued to explain. It was mostly uninhabited. The women had only tamed the mountain homes they Lived in, they leftthe world mostly to it's natural state. She had seen amazing things as she flew.

“It Looked Like what you would call adinosaur,” she told me. “! talked to theother girls and one oe (hemtdid mehewihe women had cleared thedangerous creatures away from theequator, away from the men.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“They Let the spaceships near the men,” | said quietly.

“Yeah,” Hannah grunted, “cause thealiens are afraid to Land anywhereelse on this crazy planet. Packiethey Lang heyp eae debred y thewormen!a they prefer to deal withmen, because they aren't as scary.Once or twice they tried to take themen, that was an act of war. Thewomen tear apart anyone that takestheir precious, Little boys.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Don't be angry at the men, Baby,” | soothed.

“How could | be, Mama? They are likechildren. I’m mad at the SY SLE T|angry layeryeandh ét we can'tbetbye her. This whole world is sostupid!” she fumed. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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