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Chapter 228

| walked over to inspect the new objects and heard Master Damien behind me.“Bring me one,” he said quietly.

| picked one up and took it to Master Damien. He pushed his blanket back to expose his genitals and pressed his penis into theopening of the gourd. | watched fascinated as he relieved himself in the container.

It was a urinal. I’d seen similar things on Earth when my uncle was in the hospital. Master Damien relieved himself and sat thegourd beside him on the ground. | picked it up and took it back over by the door.

ALL the men wanted to use one. | was thrilled they weren’t peeing on themselves and happily brought the gourds over to them. |wondered what we would do when they needed to use the facilities the other way. That would be much more difficult thandelivering a urinal, | feared.

A thought hit me and I gasped. My plug was still inside of me. | couldn’t wear it all the time and there was no one to take care ofme.

While I'd become reacquainted with feeding myself and wiping myself, I'd never touched the plug. It was stupid but that just

seemed Like something | shouldn't do. Perhaps | should ask, | thought, but who? “Ciara,” Master Damien called, “come rest with

me.“Yes, Master Damien,” | answered walking up beside him.

Before | could kneel down, he removed the cuffs from my ankles and tossed them toward the door.“Kneel,” he commanded and | obeyed.

Master Damien removed the chain from my waist and threw it into the fire. My green and gold earrings were also removed andtossed away. A hand snaked between my Legs and the plug was gently pulled from me.

| sighed with relief.novelbin

Master Damien petted the mark on my rounded belly for a moment. He didn’t seem to have the energy to really worry about it,though. He yawned and settled on his side gesturing me to lay in front of him.

The mat we were on was narrow, but it wasn’t an unpleasant place to sleep. The padding was thicker than it Looked and theroom was warm. | drifted to sleep with Master Damien’s hand cupping my swollen stomach.

| awoke a while later. Master Bane was restless. Moving over to him | stroked his short beard and down his chest to soothe him.ninjanovel.com“Thirsty,” he said.

There was a new jug by the door. | got it and helped Master Bane to drink. Everyone else also woke up and took a chug of water.Once | was done, Master Bane held his blankets back and invited me onto his pallet silently.

Under the blankets next to Master Bane | curled around his side and stroked his chest. He had what appeared to be several stabwounds to the upper stomach. | had wrapped and dressed them before. | avoided touching them as | lay with him. He calmed asI stroked him.

There was no day or night in the room we were in. The torches still Lit the room, but | imagined it was night. | slept with eachman for a short while until someone else seemed distressed.

Lastly, | ended up in Master Christof’s bed. | had the strangest dream as | lay there.

It was pitch dark in my dream and |could hear the men crying out in painand anger. | stood ee easpatKerose Lanternlinth middle of thedirkrless. My first impulse was totake the light and go find them. When| tried to pick it up it would not budge.The message was clear, they had tocome here. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| didn’t like the dark particularly.Things moved and shuffled all maround me as | walked away ffom theLight) Th Ground slithered under myfeet and the air seemed to grab at meas | walked through it. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Somehow | managed to find the menand coaxed them one by one to sitwith me in the gol sn gipwciniy'dream, Nvas bowerful and strong. |picked Master Damien up and carriedhim with me to the light. He kepttrying to leave its safe confines. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“No,” | told him as he tried to move away, “we stay together. It's safer that way.”

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