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Chapter 221

The rest of the girls from Earth were sitting and Listening closely. We were all concerned. If | could have this happen, they could,too.

“No,” | told her, “the men don’t know what pregnancy entails. | don’t think they've ever seen a pregnant woman. They can’tcomprehend what is happening. They still just think I’m getting fat.”

“What will you do when you deliver?” an Earth girl asked.

“| don’t know,” | told her. | stroked my stomach and felt the familiar roll as the child moved under my hand. “They Like to studythings. | fear they will want to study the child,” | said quietly.


Master Damien and his Brothers protected me. | wasn’t sure that protection extended to a child conceived by me. | feared for thebabe, especially if it was female.

| wanted to run away before the child was born, but | wasn’t sure where to go. It was unclear how | would even get away. Myinstinct to protect my baby got stronger every day.

| was ill suited for this place, though. There was no way | would be able to protect my child once it was born. It crushed me torealize what the men could do if they wanted to.

“| remember pregnancy from Earth,” another girl whispered placing a hand on my stomach. “You should not be feeling themotions of the child already; your belly isn’t big enough. | don’t think your pregnancy will last the same time it does on Earth.”

“You don’t think | have much time left, do you?” | asked quietly. “I have to do something quickly.”

We never said the word escape to one another. It was a dangerous word to say here. They knew | feared my owners’ reaction toa child. It was assumed | had to get away.

The worry about the child usually lasted all day. Today for some reason was different. | sat on the beach that afternoon and feltbreathless with anticipation. It wasn’t clear to me what | was anticipating, but it excited me greatly. This feeling was so strong itwas hard to ignore.

My fake owners picked me up and | was almost giddy with the sensation.It was hard, but | fought it down. | did my best not to let my crazy emotions show to anyone.On my knees in the shower scrubbing the grime, | felt like singing.

Actually, | did sing, until one of my owners chastised me. Giggling stupidly, | held the emotion inside and just tried to focus on themundane task at hand.

At the Keepers the next day the excitement inside of me was overwhelming. | was waiting so patiently for something. WhenLunch came the emotions were in such a frenzy, | could barely eat. Even the Light haired Brother that fed me Lunch, who nevernoticed me, said something about my strange attitude.

Late in the afternoon the depression set in. | cried on my pad as | waited for my owners to come and get me. The feeling tore atmy heart.

| could not complete myself and felt abandoned.

This made no sense. My fake ownerscame to pick me up as the alwaysdid. | w njketeiongerthan I shouldhivelbeen. It felt insane and | bawledlaying on the ground. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

My fake owners literally had to pickme up and carry me to the rangport.| couldnt exeq find Thstrongih towal it elt like my heart was beingtorn apart. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| refused dinner and was put in the box for my bad behavior. It didn’t matter. | wanted to die, there was nothing left to live for.novelbin

The emotions that | considered thesign of my schizophrenia were iQstrong to 'gnor@alt WaG Findily”happening as | wailed in the box. Mymind was breaking, | couldn't evenpretend to be normal. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| lay awake in the darkness and didn’t sleep. Anger started to fester inside me.

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