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Chapter 174

Laying beneath the green blankets | fell quickly to sleep. | dreamed of Master Damien and his Brothers all night Long.

The next morning one of the men woke me. | asked him his name and he told me to call him and all his Brothers ‘Master’.Evidently, | would not be talking to them much. The man that woke me took me to the shower and cleaned me completely.

My first shower with this new Master was practical. The man used the sponge to clean most of my body. When it came to thesensitive bits between my legs he used his fingers. | flinched and backed away inadvertently. This new Master just grabbed myhip and held me still as he cleaned every nook and fold. He was almost disinterested in the task.

| dreaded the plug. It was so degrading to be cleaned and prepared that way. | had no control over such a personal thing. It wasawful.

This new Masters didn’t really seem bothered either way. He did each step with clinical detachment. Once they were done hestood me up and moved right to the silky rub.

When Master Evan had rubbed me with the purple goo, he always lingered on the places | Liked. It was a morning massage asmuch as a skin treatment. This new man made no such alterations. It was rubbed in and then he was done.

“Come,” he ordered walking out of the bathing room, “it is time to eat, slave.”ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY

At breakfast the man across from me held up his bowl and asked me what | called it in my first Language. | told him and herepeated the word until he could say it. In between bites, | was instructed to teach them the names of all the things around us. Itwas a strange way to spend the morning meal, but it became my norm.

Time dragged on and it soon became obvious these men did not want a sex slave. They cleaned me and kept the annoying thingin my bottom, but otherwise did not touch me. | was glad, but | couldn’t help but find it odd.

The first few days | had dreaded going back to my new owners’ apartment at night. | waited for them to descend on my body theway Master Damien and his Brothers had. At some point | was certain they would use me. It never happened.

These men had no interest in my physical self, other than it was cleaned and fed. They made me tell them about Earth. TheseMasters wanted information.

Everyday some aspect of life on Earth was explored. They made me relive moments from the most mundane to the mostexciting. | spent seven day cycles explaining the inside of a supermarket. It was like they wanted to be know my planet insideout.

For the first time in months | had to speak English. They ordered me to teach them the entire language. | was threatened that ifthey spoke it to another Earth slave and | had lied, they would have me whipped. | did the best | could.

When | wasn’t teaching my new owners, they acted like | wasn’t present.

If they weren’t engaging in their Earth hobby, they had plenty to keep them busy. They were always doing something. Often Ifound myself sitting and watching their family like | was merely a piece of the furniture. | was useful when they wanted me to beand nonexistent when they had better things to do.novelbin

When they weren’t talking to me, | was not to interrupt them. | learned that very quickly. Their conversations with one anotherwere complicated and | was chastised if | interjected. The truth, | soon realized, was they only really enjoyed talking with oneanother.

My owners did things in their spare time Like take apart transport pads in the sitting area. They enjoyed difficult time consumingtasks and | was never asked to participate. Unless they were asking about Earth, they didn’t speak to me. For me, it was aLonely existence.

At home there wasn't ever a visitingslave to speak to. Unlike MasterDamien and his Brothers, who spoketo almost NCU SE AeWy enhadyfewNriehds in the compound.Warriors would sometimes come byto ask a question, but they neverstayed long. My owners seemed totalk down to almost everyone andmost other men seemed glad toleave their presence. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Sometimes, as the jovial men walkedoff discussing the chuke game theywere late to, | wanted acai’!them, | tiS8eH Walking around thecompound with my owners andwatching them play. Actually, |missed doing almost everything. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Since | wasn’t really expected to do anything most of the time, | picked up a hobby. With my owner’s permission Rose taught meto sew and knit. My skills quickly equalled hers, because | had Limitless time to practice.

The men actually seemed happy |was doing something and boughtLimited supplies henseis itwhen | squygd.tiing :cBmiplicated designs. When | wasable to stitch their symbol onto theirshirts they were ecstatic. It was thefirst and only time | ever reallypleased them. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Most of the time, | was an annoyance to my owners. Their questions were so complicated. | frequently could not adequatelyanswer them, so they punished me by making me sleep in the little box in the wall.

Eventually, they figured out | just didn’t know how everything worked on my home world.

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