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Chapter 131

| rolled over and got comfortable resting on my arms. | heard Master Damien start to talk. It sounded like a lecture on health. Thetopic could have been, How to Feed and Care for a Human.

Ahand came down and started to caress my back. The oil still had my skin feeling slick. It was relaxing, Like a massage. |peeked through my lids and saw Master Bane leaning on the floating pad while he petted me.

| marveled at what a good looking man he was. His short beard covered a very attractive jaw line. | wondered what he'd lookLike without the extra hair. He didn’t seem to notice me watching him.

| closed my eyes and felt breath in my ear, “Don’t do that again, Ciara,” Master Bane’s voice warned.

Master Damien went over every aspect of my care. It was interesting to realize what they noticed and | started to listen closely.My weight, the speed at which | moved, and the way my skin Looked all were part of determining my overall health.

They were very specific about my grooming needs; especially the way my hair should be treated and cared for. Several men inthe audience snorted and said they would take it all off. Master Damien advised against that, humans were obsessive about theirhair. It would make the transition worse. The men murmured amongst themselves for a while before Master Damien continued.

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My eyes were a very important indicator of how | was feeling, Master Damien told them. He taught them how to watch thecenters for fear, anger, happiness, and arousal. When | was ill or not sleeping well the eyes became sunken. The way he talked,they had watching me down to a science.

At some point | was told to sit up on the table, which | did.

“You will open your eyes and look straight ahead, Ciara,” Master Damien told me. “I will ask you questions. If | want you to lie |will tell you and you will lie. If | wish to hear the truth you will tell me the truth. Do you understand me?”novelbin

“Yes, Master Damien,” | whispered.

On his command | looked out into a sea of faces and my head jerked down reflexively. Master Evan lifted my chin and told me tolook out. The Warriors were all watching my face intently. | preferred not to Look at them, so | stared at the back of the tent.

Master Damien asked me a series of simple questions and told me to tell the truth. It took a while to find my voice, but once | didit was not hard. That part was easy and the questions were all straightforward.

After those questions he told me to lie to him. At first it was hard, | knew they didn’t like it when I Lied to them. | made a game ofit in my mind and that made it better. | Lied fluently.

After we were done Master Damien discussed with the men how | looked and sounded when | told a lie. It was terrifying torealized they knew each time | told the truth and each time | did not. The way they spoke it was the most obvious thing in theworld. | felt more naked than | ever had on this planet.

The next part of the tutorial was the part | had been dreading. Master Evan instructed me and | Lay back. My legs were spreadLike | was in stirrups at the gynecologist office. It was the air currents that held me, so | couldn’t move out of that position. |tensed waiting for the horror of this to start.

Master Damien said he was glad to see the tension, he pointed it out to the surrounding men. If they used me now, | would find itpainful. | wasn’t like the women on this planet, my flesh was tender in my sex organs and | may even tear. If | received a tear inthose areas it could take a long time to heal properly and | may never get over the fear.

Master Christof whispered soothing words in my ear and Master Damien repeated to the crowd what he was saying to me. It wasbizarre, but despite that | did start to relax. They had never hurt me and they weren't going to today.

The men asked questions while they must have watched Master Christof calm me. Did they have to do this every time? HowLong did it take? Was it worth the time investment?

“This morning my brother prepared the slave for its day and it became ready for us with just the simple touches necessary toclean it,”

Master Bane explained. “Earth slavesare very simple creatures. Once theylearn you causethem GheaSufe theyready t ite ves for it automatically.It is only afraid because we are inacrowd.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| disagreed internally that whatMaster Evan had done today justconstituted cleaning, but | hag, menough sensenatitdd ue. Theywerelright in a way. | did expectpleasure from their touches and | hadno problems when they used me.They had trained me, although |hadn't noticed it at the time. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Master Christof went from soothing to stimulating as | relaxed. Much to my dismay | was ordered to keep my eyes opened. Menclustered around as Master Christof continued his gentle seduction.

During this highly embarrassingprocedure Master Damien pointedout what Master Christof was doingas he stroked dowirhirhbides-andkissed: my fingers. | watched theceiling of the tent. He explained incold calculated terms the mechanicsof arousing me. Despite mydiscomfort with our audience | feltmyself getting wet and ready. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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