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Chapter 110

“You may explore all you wish,” Master Bane said in a hard voice.“Careful of the Warriors that patrol the area,” Master Kein warned.

“You are nothing to them, just a tool to use and discard.”

| paled and reached for them. They couldn’t be leaving me to the others.

“Perhaps if you are good enough one of them may choose to put their symbol on you,” Master Damien sighed, “but | doubt it.They have no reason to take home and be burdened with what they can freely use here.”

| screamed for them as the pad lifted off and they Left. Dropping to my knees on the dusty ground | cried like a baby. | couldn'tfigure out why they would go to all the trouble to save me just to kill me themselves.novelbin

Once the tears dried | looked around. This area once had been bustling, there were the foundations of innumerable buildings. Acrumbling wall surrounded the entire area. | wandered toward the only building with a roof. There was no door, just an opening inthe wall.

| reached out and touched the pink brown stone and it crumbled a little under my fingers, this place was falling apart. | steppedinto the doorway and immediately stepped back out. A skeleton lay against the far wall. It was most certainly humanoid.

For a while | just stood and hyperventilated. The rational part of my brain decided to take over at some point. | tried to rememberhow long it would take for me to die. The lack of water would kill me first. If | was going to Last | would have to find water here.

As | walked around the rocks on the ground dug into my feet. The smooth cobblestones | was used to were cracked and brokenhere. | tripped and stepped hard on a broken piece and it went deep into my Left foot.

| sat on a stump and examined the wound. Blood seeped slowly from the broken skin and dripped to the ground below me. Theinjury was deep and touching it hurt. With nothing to clean or wrap it with, | ignored it.

Angela’s Library

| had to find water, so | walked around looking. The gouge was leaving bloody tracks where ever | went. | wandered all over anddidn’t see anything that looked like a well or a water source. Except for my sticky Little footprints this place was bone dry.

It was hot, warmer than the village | had called home. | was sweating profusely. The dust | kicked up was sticking to my dampskin and felt disgusting. Limping | moved back to the building with the skeleton. | crouched inside the doorway out of the sun andwatched the bones. | wondered what she had done to get left to die out here.

| looked around the room and saw there was a small alcove off to the side. Wandering around the room | glanced into the recess,inside was a small jug that bore my owners’ insignia. | hadn’t been this thirsty since | was in the ocean. Glancing down | noticedseveral small bugs swimming in the jug. Picking up the dirty pitcher | looked closer inside and saw there was a small amount ofwater.

The water teased me. It was dirty, | could tell just looking at it. The container was filthy and there were little silver thingsswimming in it. | placed the jug carefully down and looked for something | could pour the water into. If | had a cup | could pick thebugs out.

| walked everywhere in the crumbling village, but there wasn’t a cup or even another jug to be found. | did find more bugs.Swarms of the nasty silver things were everywhere. At some point | thought about the funny plants that lined the walls to thecompound. They obviously had been placed purposely.

When | returned to the building | went straight to the jug. | was parched and dry, bugs or not I’d drink the water.

The jug was covered with the little silver things. The water was thick with them now. | sobbed and choked down the water,drinking a handful of bugs with it. They tasted disgusting. | wanted to scream and cry, but that wouldn’t do any good. In fact, itwould dehydrate me faster.

| sat in the room with the remains and watched the sun’s rays move across the floor. My foot was throbbing and | tried to ignoreit. There was really nothing else to do.

Just before sunset | heard the humof a transport pad outside. | jumpedup and ran out the dog MedvedLocked wit? those of a massiveblonde haired man. | ran back intothe building and backed into the farwall. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| couldn't stop watching as the men came toward me. Most of them were large and well armed, obviously Warriors.

Five of the men entered the buildingand stalked toward me. | screamedfor my Masters and jumped Qytanwindo nthe eal they were on topofmeé before | got ten feet away. Itwas a pointless struggle and theylaughed heartily at me as theydragged me, by my hair, back into thebuilding. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Who are you screaming for slave?”one of them asked me. “Your ownersleft you here. I'm noyadie.whytheylaft theiNrfark! on you though,” hepatted the mark on my stomach. “Doyou think you are worthy of themcoming back for you?” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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