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Chapter 100

At the Keepers the next day | was in a tizzy. My owners had seen me do everything, literally. Somehow the idea of dancingseductively for them had me really nervous though. | paced while Rose and Fuji laughed at me.

��What if they think | Look stupid?�� | asked plaintively.

��You look beautiful when you dance Ciara, your owners will love it. Now stop pacing. Please tell me, what are you wearing thatsmells so wonderful?�� Rose asked.

��| do like the smell also,�� Fuji commented pressing her cool face against my neck.Touching my neck | remembered the stuff Master Damien had put there. | still smelled it, too. It did smell really good. I'd never

known perfume to last that Long. ly owners put something on my neck after they bathed me,�� | shrugged, ��I don��t know what it


��Well, you're very lucky,�� said Rose. ��Perfume is really expensive here. It Lasts for a long time at Least. My owners put some onme when I��ve made them really happy. What did you do to make them so happy with you?�� she asked knowingly.

| groaned and told her. Both women were thrilled to hear the bond was being fixed. They said their owners had been concernedabout Master Damien and his brothers for a long while. Feeling like a big mouth | begged them again not to tell their owners whatwas going on.

��Ciara,�� Fuji said looking confused, ��my owners already know the bond is being repaired. The way your Warriors fought withAndre and his brothers last night proved it. They haven't worked together like that in a long time. Everyone noticed, it��s not asecret.��

| felt better knowing | wasn��t spreading rumors around. We practiced dancing the rest of the morning. | worked on my belly rollsuntil my stomach was tired. Despite the humor my friends exuded | was still really nervous about tonight.

When the lunch bell rang | was hungry. My Little resting place was in the main dining room. | waited patiently expecting anyonebut Christof.

| was surprised when he took a seat in front of me. He fed me and talked to other Warriors around us.As per normal, | was full quickly. | took the bites from him slower and slower.

��Ciara,�� he whispered in my ear, ��no games today. Eat what | have for you or | will ask the Keepers to help me feed you,�� hethreatened.

| looked up at him and didn��t see the look of my friend. His face had no humor in it at all, he was seriously irked.��Yes, Christof,�� | said dejectedly.


��Address me as you address my brothers, Ciara,�� he warned into my ear.

��Yes, Master Christof,�� | responded feeling even more depressed.

| assumed that Master Damien had gotten on him. There was no other excuse for his behavior. Eventually it would be nice if wecould be friends again.

| didn��t stay on the beach with myfriends after the mid day meal. |quietly swam out Reoneaeplretuioonced � Current hadchanged a little, it was stripping offvegetation higher up the wall. Carefulto stay above it, | explored until theKeepers brought us in. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Out of the water | was nervous aboutmy evening again. The girls triecomfort me Qn the Way to theKeeper's courtyard. | knelt downwaiting anxiously on my pad for myowners. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

They would hate my dancing; | was sure of it. In my head | could hear them laughing at me and begging me never to danceagain.


| was sure they were all very wellcoordinated, they had to be to b +Warriors, | had peyat been Gccusedof havi that ability. Tonight wouldjust display for the world how muchless than them | was. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Another horrible thought tormented me, what if they didn��t want a slave with no talent. Master Christof wouldn��t stick up for meanymore, so I��d be sold.

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