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Instead, he simply watched her, noting how vulnerable yet pretty she looked wrapped in his coat.

After a moment, he moved closer, his hands finding their way inside the coat as he leaned in, their foreheads touching. His voice, soft and slightly rough, broke the silence. “Is the coat keeping you warm? You seem quite fond of it” His hands gently circled her waist, the touch light through the fabric of her shirt.

Viflen Melissa instinctively leanéd back, he drew her closer again.

In that moment, Melissa acknowledged the turmoil within her.

Maybe it was her clouded mood or the lingering effects of the alcohol, but she found herself willing to surrender to the moment.

Their ki*s was fervent, a dance of lips and breath.

Marcus’ voice was low as he looked into her eyes. “What's next for us?” Their understanding of one another's intentions, shaped by their shared history, needed no words. Melissa, without hesitation, embraced him, her voice a whisper, “Let's find somewhere private.” “Are you certain?” Marcus sealed their intentions with another prolonged ki's, offering Melissa a moment to reconsider.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

‘s But tonight, Melissa sought solace in indulgence, never once asking him to halt their advance. Together, they made their way to a nearby luxury hotel, Melissa's form nestled against Marcus, concealed by the swath of his coat.

The receptionist, curious, tried to glimpse the woman by Marcus’ side.

Yet, Marcus shielded her from view.

With the room key in hand, they entered the elevator, the tension

palpable despite their mutual consent. Melissa rested her head on his shoulder, her breaths shallow.

Marcus, displaying a gentleness that was rare for him, inquired softly, “Should we head to my apartment or return to the villa?” Melissa, her resolve clear, brushed a lock of hair from her face and murmured, “Let's stay here” No further words were exchanged as Marcus tenderly ki*sed her cheek.

The elevator reached their floor.

Marcus, supporting Melissa, navigated to their room. Upon unlocking the door, his earlier fervor gave way to caution. “Do you need to check in with Julie? 'm going to shower first” Melissa agreed, watching him retreat to the bathroom.

Once alone, she reached for her phone to call Julie, crafting a tale of unexpected work demands instead of revealing her true whereabouts.

Julie's voice was laden with worry, advising Melissa to prioritize her well- being.

A flush crept over Melissa's cheeks at her friend's concern.

Marcus reappeared at the moment, noting the absence of a bathrobe.

“It looks like we're short on bathrobes. I'll contact the front desk.”

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