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His apology seemed weak, and he didn't offer any further explanation.

Melissa got up quietly, her hands trembling as she straightened her clothes. Marcus gently touched her waist and suggested, “Why don't you sleep on the bed with Matthew? I won't touch you again, I promise.” Melissa couldn't help but think he was such a jerk.

But pushing him away now would only cause more drama.

Without a word, Melissa went to bed fully clothed. Once the lights were off, the room fell silent, filled only with the Lingering scent of Marcus.

The night stretched on endlessly.

It marked Marcus and Melissa's first time sharing a room since their breakup.

Tension permeated the room.

Melissa lay on her side, hugging Matthew tightly. It was very quiet at night, and she could almost hear the gentle sound of snowflakes drifting outside. Time slipped away unnoticed as she slowly drifted into slumber.

Marcus was less than two meters away, lying quietly as well From the corner of his eye, Marcus observed Melissa sleeping beside Matthew, who occupied most of the bed. Her slender form lay partially exposed, her back bare beneath the quilt. Marcus noted her fragility, realizing he could encircle her waist with a single hand.

Marcus was just an ordinary man.

Just moments ago, he had ki*sed and touched Melissa, and those memories flashed through his mind like scenes from a movie.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Uncomfortably, he turned over, attempting to conceal his desire.

The narrow sofa made it difficult for him to sleep well.

Later, he checked on Matthew and discovered that Melissa was also awake.

However, they exchanged glances without uttering a word.

Matthew awoke early the next morning.

The little boy felt considerably better. Quietly, he slipped out of bed and

made his way to the sofa, plopping down on his father’s stomach.

Marcus groaned, his eyes fluttering open.

“Daddy!” Matthew called out affectionately and nuzzled his head against Marcus’ neck, clearly expressing his joy.

Despite the warmth in the ward, Matthew was clad only in a thin hospital gown. Marcus reached out, grasping Matthew's arm, and enveloped him in his embrace. Together, they shared the warmth of a woolen overcoat.

Matthew complained, “Your coat smells like wine.” Marcus rested one hand behind his head, gently patting his son's back with the other. Matthews small frame radiated warmth and softness, exuding undeniable adorableness.

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