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Chapter 60

Sure, dưới đây là nội dung của chương truyện đã được chuyển đổi từ ảnh:


I wasn't surprised to see Cindy again. But I didn't expect Bruce and Kate to be with her too.

I also remembered that Bruce wasn't fond of shopping. So, much less could be said of helping the two women with their shopping bags.

Hence, seeing Bruce with them took me aback, yet it was still within my expectations at the same time.

Since I'd seen them now, I couldn't avoid greeting them. Although I wasn't particularly happy about it.

Kate glanced at Douglas and Jackson beside me and gasped knowingly. "So, Douglas was the one who you had plans with." She sounded displeased.

That was when I remembered her invitation over the phone last night.

She must have misunderstood.

However, before I could explain, Cindy's sweet voice chimed in, saying, "Look, Aunt Kate. Nanae looks even more elegant in this new coat."

With just a few words, she effortlessly shifted everyone's attention to me.novelbin

I was about to explain myself when Bruce suddenly said, "Do you like it?"

He was asking for Cindy's opinion.

Cindy glanced at me before turning back to Bruce. "I just think this vintage-style coat is charming. It's simple and comfortable. A rare coat indeed."

Bruce swept his gaze over me before focusing on Cindy again. Then, he gently said, "Then give it a try."

As soon as he spoke, the enthusiastic salesperson suddenly hesitated. "I'm sorry, sir. But this coat is our store's flagship product, and there's only one left."

Upon hearing this, Cindy lowered her gaze and whispered, "Then forget it, Bruce. I'm not that fond of it anyway."

How understanding.

Perhaps her kindness had touched Bruce's heart, because he stubbornly asked the salesperson, "Has it been paid for?"

His question was straightforward and domineering, and I caught on immediately.

It I was hearing it right, Bruce wanted to secure the coat for his dear Cindy.

I was speechless. I didn't expect Bruce to act so graciously.

The salesperson had a sharp eye, and upon seeing Bruce's expensive suit and our modest attire, the salesperson asked me, "What do you think, miss?" Content belongs to snvovel.net

And just like that, they conveniently left the decision to me.

"Please wrap it up," Douglas suddenly interjected with a hint of displeasure in his tone. "Sorry, Bruce, but we'll take the coat."

It was a rare display of assertiveness. But I understood.

After all, no one would wish to have the gift they'd gone to great lengths for be snatched right under their nose.

It was first come, first served.

But Bruce seemed determined to win Cindy's favor. So, he stepped forward and stared at the salesperson. "Why don't you give the manager a call?"

Considering Kate's love of shopping, she could easily be a returning customer. And after taking into account Bruce's reputation in Joddesdon and Saza over the past two years, it would be a cakewalk for him to secure the coat. Content belongs to snvovel.net

But was it necessary to go to such lengths for it?

Douglas frowned. "Bruce, you shouldn't take the bread out of another's mouth." He still wanted to reason with Bruce, who was already deep in the throes of love. Content belongs to snvovel.net

Bruce snorted. "Mr. Irvin, you haven't paid for the item. I don't think you have the right to talk here."

As expected of an economics student, he had to twist words into his favor.

Then, Jackson, who was usually silent, couldn't bear it anymore and angrily huffed, "You're stirring up a hornet's nest."

For once, he didn't stumble over his words, and his hands by his sides were clenched.

He stared daggers at Bruce, and the atmosphere suddenly tensed.


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