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Chapter 43

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Kate made it seem as if she was wronged.

I pinched my brows and compromised, "Can we do it after work then?"

After all, she's the investor's mother.

After the call ended, Kate immediately sent me the shop's address. It was an old tailor shop with a rich history, and it was famous among the wealthy ladies in Joddesdon and Saza.

Before leaving for work, I drank a cup of coffee to keep myself awake. But I didn’t expect for Bruce and Cindy to be there either.

When the shop assistant led me to Kate, I saw Cindy handing Kate a piece of beautifully patterned fabric. When Cindy saw me, she bit her lip unconsciously.

Bruce was even more blunt. "Why are you here?"

I didn't know how to respond to that.

Kate turned around at the sound and grinned. "I invited her. The two of you together still don’t know my preferences as well as she does."

Cindy looked disappointed after hearing this and lowered her head while she gripped onto the fabric in her hand tightly.

I felt quite awkward.

Cindy had a good eye. Although the pattern of the fabric she chose was a bit outdated, the color still matched Kate's aesthetic.

Kate liked luxurious styles. So when she asked me for help, I deliberately picked out a plain one for her.

Kate was surprised by this. But to put Cindy down, she praised me nevertheless, "Look at how beautiful this is. Nance sure has got good taste."

Cindy didn't respond and buried her head even lower.

I had to ease the tension. "Aunt Kate, you have fair skin, so any style suits you. Although Ms. Lane's choice is a bit unusual, only someone with your complexion can pull it off well enough."

Only then did Kate reluctantly settle on a design.

Bruce couldn't bear it anymore and pointed at several pieces of fabric. "Make one of each of these colors according to Ms. Lane's measurements."

Content belongs to swvnoel.net.

Cindy widened her eyes in surprise and hesitated. "That's too much, Bruce."

Kate was also annoyed. “ Nance has been making the rounds with me, and you’d never properly thanked her.”

Bruce glanced at me indifferently. "Did you see anything you like, Ms. Fisher?"

Since he asked, I couldn’t be too pretentious. So I casually pointed to a cream-colored dress and muttered, "I’ll have that one."

After we were done selecting, Bruce made up an excuse and left with Cindy.

Kate's expression darkened at this.

"Did you see that, Nance? Him busy with work? I think he's just afraid that I’ll give Ms. Lane a hard time."

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I reassured her, "Since Mr. Harold likes her, you should spend more time with her and bring her around. After all, she’ll be the one sharing Mr. Harold’s burden in the future."

Content belongs to swvnoel.net.

Kate shot me a defeated look. "Nance, if you and Bruce..."

She stopped herself and sighed.

I knew what she meant. Kate probably thought that if Bruce insisted on finding a woman outside the rich circle, she would rather it be me.

However, she forgot that she used to despise me the same way as well.

Bruce’s call came late into the night. “You were quite enthusiastic today, Ms. Fisher.”

He sounded indifferent.

But I had enough and huffed, “You jest, Mr. Harold. And didn’t I get rewarded for it too?”

Caroline mentioned before that the old tailor’s skill was not something one could buy with money.

"You have opened my eyes lately, Ms. Fisher. So you're after money now?” His tone was mocking and arrogant.

I suddenly remembered the five hundred dollars my uncle secretly slipped me. "I simply figured things out."


(Content belongs to swvnoel.net)

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