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Chapter 16

I thought I had misheard him.

But seeing Cindy's hesitant expression, I knew Bruce's invitation was genuine. Or was he just being polite to me?

I didn’t want to appear obnoxious, so I politely declined, “Thank you, Mr. Harold, but I still have work to attend to. Next time, the treat's on me.”

Bruce persisted, “Even if you’re busy, you still need to eat, right?” His tone intensified, as if I didn’t know any better.

Cindy stood with her eyes looking down. She whispered, “Bruce, maybe Nancy really has something important to attend to.” Clearly, Cindy had her own thoughts on this matter.

I remained still to wait and see how Bruce would handle the situation.

After a while, he patiently said, “Cindy has been with your company for over a month now, and she must have caused Ms. Fisher some trouble. I should properly thank Ms. Fisher.”

I caught Bruce’s underlying meaning immediately. He was repaying a favor for Cindy.

Cindy seemed to sense this too, and her pale face finally cracked a smile. “Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Bruce. Nancy, why don’t you just accept it?”

Although I felt a bit uncomfortable, I still had to show respect. So, I agreed to join them at the restaurant.

The restaurant exuded elegance, with a pianist playing in the corner. The gentle melodies eased some of the tension in my mind.

Yet, one question lingered. Why had Bruce insisted on including me as a third wheel in what could have been a romantic evening between him and Cindy?

I soon had an answer. When Kate came over aggressively, she noticed me and flashed a surprised look through her angry expression. “Nancy, what are you doing here?”

Even Aunt Kate knew that my presence was inappropriate at such a time. Yet, Bruce had still decided to involve me.

I nonchalantly chewed on my steak and said, “Mr. Harold and Ms. Lane kindly invited me to join, so I can’t refuse their hospitality.”

She then calmed down and instructed the waiter to place another set of dining utensils.

Whether it was intentional or not, she sat opposite Cindy. “These young people nowadays,” she said sarcastically while glancing at Cindy, “are really something.” Content belongs to svn0vel.net

A crisp sound rang out when Cindy’s fork slipped. This untimely and jarring noise rang against the plate.

Her face was flushed red and then pale alternately. It was an embarrassing moment, and she gripped onto her cutlery tightly until her fingertips turned white.

At that moment, Bruce calmly brought out a freshly cut steak and naturally swapped it with the one in front of Cindy.

He was especially attentive.

Cindy fluttered her long eyelashes in surprise. “Bruce, I can do it myself.” Then she glanced cautiously at Kate, appearing like a startled bunny.

Suddenly, memories flooded back to the first time I met Kate—years ago, during a buffet.

Although she wasn’t as arrogant as she was now, her attitude toward me wasn’t much better back then.

Throughout the meal, she directed me to fetch her various items.

At that time, it was the lobster season. Thus, at her request, I spent the entire night peeling lobsters. Even my fingernails were left soaking in the smell of shellfish. Only then did she acknowledge, “You’re quite obedient.” Content belongs to svn0vel.netnovelbin

Throughout that night, Bruce had sat quietly across from me and ate his food without uttering a word. Yet now, in a similar scenario, he was cutting steak for Cindy in front of Kate. Content belongs to svn0vel.net

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