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Chapter 209

On the other side, Matilda was freaking out after realizing Chloe had vanished without a trace. Shewas so worried that she considered calling the cops. But after a brief visit to the station, they toldher it was too soon to file a missing person's report and advised her to just go home and wait.

Later that night, deep into the witching hour, Matilda’s phone rang with Chloe's number.

Matilda answered in a panic, "Where the heck have you been after settling the bill? You scared thelife out of me! I thought someone had snatched you!"

"I'm downstairs. Let me in when you can."

Chloe's voice was hoarse, devoid of her usual bubbly demeanor. Five minutes later, Matilda openedthe door to find Chloe standing there, ghostly pale.

Tears clung to her eyes. "Mat, I..."

The sight of the angry bruises marring her neck sent a jolt of pain through Matilda. Without a word,she wrapped Chloe in a tight embrace, whispering, "It's okay. It's all okay now. You're safe, you'rehome. I was terrified you’d become someone’s captive."novelbin

Chloe buried her face in Matilda's shoulder and sobbed. By this time, Logan had long since retiredto his room, and Chloe's return was so late that Matilda, too, was worn out from waiting. She guidedChloe to her room, and they huddled together under the covers, Chloe's tears flowing ceaselessly.

"Enough now," Matilda said with a heavy heart, "Forget about it, Chloe. Hey, how about we bothhead out to a new city?"

Chloe looked up, her eyes a sea of confusion. "It's impossible. Declan won't let me go..."

"I made it through the tough times," Matilda said, looking into her friend's face, "and so can you."

Chloe stared blankly at Matilda for a long time. "Once we wrap up the studio project, let's quit andleave this place."

Run away. Escape this city that harbors the men they fear.

Matilda nodded firmly. "Deal! You're a whiz at admin, and I've got the design chops. We'll never gohungry, wherever we go. No need to suffer over Declan anymore."

Chloe's tears started anew, "Mat, can feelings really last a lifetime in this world?"

Matilda met her gaze and said softly, "Feelings are the most fickle things on earth. If you keep yourheart in check, it won't hurt."

Chloe's resolve seemed to harden, "But I can't accept this. I want Declan to suffer... Just like I hopeyou can tame Yvan, despite him being a jerk. I want him to be consumed by the agony of theunattainable."

To suffer endlessly, craving what he can never have.

Matilda chuckled lightly, "Alright, let's not talk about that now. Declan will regret his actionseventually, just like Yvan will."

Clutching each other’s hands, the two women found comfort and warmth in each other's company.Chloe’s eyelashes trembled as she spoke with a chilling resolve.

"I want them to lose everything, to live in misery and insignificance, penniless and haunted bymemories of our goodness!"

In that moment, a fearsome hatred flickered in Chloe's eyes. "Matilda, help me, please help me!"

Matilda looked at her steadfastly. "If ever you find yourself at rock bottom, needing someone toreach out to, it won't be Declan. It will be me."


The studio's "Love Evolution" game had been on the market for a week and quickly garnered ravereviews from countless young women. A Facebook group even popped up dedicated to the game,with people sharing their gameplay experiences. The romantic storylines satisfied their yearning forlove, attracting even the most reclusive gamers, with burly men downloading the game andswooning over the male leads.

"Dude, that CEO character is a total stud!"

"I'm going all out to win over the doctor!"

"Shoot, that cop looks so hot in his uniform. Talk about uniform appeal!"

Amid the tidal wave of positive feedback, Matilda felt a surge of pride. However, a dark cloudloomed over another corner of the studio.

That cloud came in the form of a departure—a final one.

Chloe was gone. Gone for good.

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