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Chapter 211

Chapter 211novelbin

lan had told her that his company would be having a team-building event in Greenfield on Saturday. Sage didn’t think it was acoincidence that Tiana and her colleagues had decided to come here.

Sage dragged Tiana aside and asked, “Come on! Fess up. Did you plan this ahead of time withlan?”

Tiana looked at her, puzzled. “What are you on about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.” Sage glared at Tiana. “When did he get to you?”

After all, she had just met Tiana at the hospital the day before yesterday, and she hadn’t mentioned anything about the team—building event.

Yet, all of a sudden, Tiana had decided to come here, and she didn’t even tell her where they were going. She probably didn’twant to arouse her suspicion.

Tiana smiled sheepishly when she noticed that Sage had figured it all out. “He didn’t actually get to me. My colleagues and |genuinely planned to go on a road trip. lan just mentioned that his company’s team-building event would be held here. Heinvited us to join them, so | didn’t stand on ceremony with him.”

Sage rolled her eyes at Tiana. “I didn’t take you as the kind who'd betray your best friend for a good deal.”

Tiana responded, “This isn’t just any deal! Greenfield isn’t cheap, you know? It’s a 5-star- rated natural hot spring that's rich inminerals and can be used for recuperation and rehabilitation. It’s practically made for you! Honest to God, I’m just looking out foryou.”

“Sure, | believe you,” Sage drawled.

“Of course! As you should.” Tiana then pushed Sage into the resort. “Besides, lan isn’t some ferocious beast. He used to be yourbeloved husband!

Sage felt like punching someone in the face. “Tiana... I’ve already told you that’s all in the What's the meaning of all this?past.

“I'm sure you don’t have to cut off all contact with him even if you're getting a divorce, right? “Tiana held onto her hand. “Besides,you guys are, technically, still married. You'll still have to see him at home even if you don’t see him here.”

Even though that was true, Sage’couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

“| guess it's my fault. | let Calvin talk me into agreeing to this,” Tiana added.


Sage was surprised to learn that Calvin was in on this too. “How'd Calvin manage to talk you into this?” she asked.

Tiana explained that Calvin had brought up the incident at the bar the other night. He mentioned how lan had gone out of hisway to help them and had injured his waist in the process. Even though lan didn’t deserve any credit for his actions, he should atleast be given credit for his efforts.

Tiana continued, “He also said that lan felt bad about leaving you behind at Holcomb Corporation’s party last time, so he wantedto take you out and cheer you up.”

Sage smiled wryly as she was reminded of how lan had made it a point to explain himself to her regarding the incident at theparty last time. She figured that it was probably Calvin’s doing as well.

Calvin sure had lan’s back. When lan hated her, he stood up for him and gave her the boot. When lan was reluctant to let her go,he came up with ideas to help him win her back.

“Forget about lan. Since we’re already here, we might as well enjoy ourselves!”

That made sense. Sage pinched Tiana and warned her, “Don’t you dare let this happen again, or I'll give you a piece of mymind.”

Tiana raised her hand and promised, “Don’t worry, | won’t let lan get to me again. Unless he invites me and Wilson on a worldtour that is!

Sage was rendered speechless. The girls had been conversing for so long that Tiana’s colleagues had already gone to the lobbyto check-in.

“| didn’t know we were staying here for the night.” Sage looked at the room card in Tiana’s hand. “I didn’t bring anything sinceyou didn’t tell me ahead of time. | don’t think I'll be able to stay over.”

“No worries. A certain someone took care of it for you,” Tiana quipped.

Then, she handed Sage a room card. “This is your room. Your belongings are already inside.”everything,” Sage brooded.

“What would've happened if | hadn’t agreed to come?” she asked.

Tiana responded, “Then, we’d just have to send your belongings back. Easy peasy.”

Sage was at a loss for words.

The rooms here were all unique. It was mostly styled after the ancient Aztec civilization. Even the corridor floors were made ofwooden strips. Sage’s room wasn’t on the same floor as Tiana’s.

Sage found herself in a spaciousroom with a large bed when sheopened the door. Wee Eee:meats plaGel on the neatly

ade bed, and quite a few rosepetals were scattered around. Thevarious matching decorative itemsmade the room look oddly romantic.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Her travel-size suitcase was besidethe cabinet. Sage opened it andfound her swimsui aigmescotheret esngkincare, : makeupproducts. This was undoubtedlyWanda’s handiwork. Sage realizedthat everyone, except herself, knewabout her plans for the day. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Sage changed into her swimsuit and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt a little self- conscious as it was showing too muchcleavage.

She had bought this swimsuit intending to wear it to the hot springs with lan. After lan outright rejected her, she hid it away andnever wore it again. She had no idea that she would look so... seductive and sexy.

Just then, there was a knock on thedoor. Sage assumed it was Tiana, so

she opened the ss askex\!)

i" lana, wo gov thin this swimsuit-”She stopped herself short becauseshe noticed that the person standingbefore her wasn't Tiana, but the talland handsome lan! The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

He was dressed casually that day, sporting a white polo shirt and black trousers. It made him look less serious than usual andmore relaxed and laid back.

Shouldn't he be soaking in the hot springs or enjoying the finer things in life with his employees at this hour? Why was he here?

lan’s dark eyes were also locked onto Sage. The snugness of her swimsuit hugged her curves and made her waist lookincredibly slender. The black fabric accentuated her fair and slender limbs. Sage was like a human siren, captivating and soul—stirring.

Involuntarily, his Adam’s apple bobbed, and he felt parched.

“What are you looking at?” Sage snapped, realizing that she was practically half-naked in front of lan. She covered her chestand tried to close the door, but he beat her to it. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Sage demanded, backing away warily.

lan’s gaze was still glued to her waist. His voice was hoarse as he asked, “Are you planning to

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