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Chapter 131

Chapter 130 “lan Holcomb, you're the one who's picking a fight with me!” Sage snarled. “If you don’t want to give me anything,don’t force yourself to! I’m not a recycling bin. | don’t need things that have belonged to someone else!” “Could you stop being sodamn difficult, Sage?” lan was afraid that she might snap if he mentioned that Ivy was the one who had picked out the earrings.So, he gritted his teeth and said, “The earrings are brand new. It still has the tag on it. Where did you get the idea that thesebelonged to someone else?” “Oh, so just because it has a tag means it’s brand new?” Sage sneered. “lan, if you wanted to makethings right, perhaps you should've found out what | liked first! Otherwise, just do what you always do and ignore me altogether!”Jan ran out of patience in the face of her accusations and sarcasm. “Fine! Forget | ever gave you anything then! Who gives adamn about what you want anyway?” He then stormed out of the room. Sage was so furious that she threw the box into the trashcan as well. She cursed lan inwardly. She couldn't believe he would give her something he had also bought for Ivy. Did heseriously think she was that cheap? Did he think that she would treasure anything he gave her, even if it was crap? Her angergrew with each passing moment. Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore and kicked over the trash can. Out rolled the earrings,their diamonds gleaming in the light. Initially, she wanted to stomp on the earrings and flush them down the toilet. But shecouldn’t bring herself to do that when she looked at the exquisite workmanship and shimmering diamonds. Hence, she picked itup again. They were expensive, after all. It would be a waste to flush them away. “I can’t argue with cold, hard cash,” she mused.Mulling it over, she decided to sell it at half price on eBay. Calvin felt a little uneasy as he looked at lan, who was sitting in silenceacross from him in a café. “lan, please say something. I’m scared. | know | invited you out for lunch because | wanted. you tohelp me out, and | worked hard on revising this proposal. | stayed up two nights in a row just to ” “I thought women liked toreceive gifts. Why did she get so upset when she received one?” lan asked gloomily. Calvin sighed with relief. He thought lanwas upset by his terrible proposal He discreetly patted his chest. “What did you get Mrs. Holcomb?” “Earrings,” lan answeredcoldly. “What kind of earrings? Was she upset because she didn’t like them?” +15 BONUS “Do you seriously think I'd be askingyou if | knew why she was upset?” lan could feel his anger bubbling up as he thought about it. He had tried to do something niceand got her a gift, but she ended up blowing up at him. Calvin reassured him, “Okay. Calm down. Tell me what happened. I’msure | can help you figure out why she’s upset.” Sighing, he told Calvin what had happened that morning. “She said she didn’twant anything that belonged to someone else. But those earrings were obviously brand new, so how could they belong toanyone else?” “Isn’t it obvious, lan?” Calvin was impressed by how stupid lan was. “Mrs. Holcomb had asked you when you gotthem. She probably thinks those earrings weren't meant for her at all. She thought you decided to give them to her because youfelt guilty about going to the hospital and wanted to make up for it. mon man. If you wanted to give her something, why didn’t ypick it out yourself? Passing on someone else’s gift and not being able to admit it is what caused this mess.” lan shot daggers atCalvin.The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!novelbin

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