A Fallen Woman Expecting True Love

Chapter 10 He will be here soon.
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Chapter 10 He will be here soon.

I didn’t know the person who was calling my name. novelbin

Strangely, they didn’t seem to know me either. Even I was standing right in front of them, none of themrealized that I was the one they wanted.

The manager came forward to stop them from smashing things round but was knocked to the ground.Another colleague took out his mobile phone to call the police, but the phone was smashedimmediately. He also suffered beating.

Since these people came after me, of course I couldn't be a hiding tortoise. So I took the initiative tostand up and said “ I was Kiki Yao. Please stop.”

Those people immediately surrounded me. One of them turned on the phone and compared me withthe woman on the screen. After confirming that it was me, he shouted “Take her away. ” Then I wasthreatened by a group of men and got into a van at the mall gate.

On the way, someone called to report that the woman had been found and asked what the next stepwas. After getting instructions from the person on the phone, the car drove to the suburbs.

Then I was taken to an abandoned elementary school. The school couldn’t have moved away for toolong, the basketball board and other facilities were still intact. I was tied and thrown on the playground.

It was in the middle of June, the sun was shining brightly, making me sweat a lot.

After about one hour of exposure in the sunlight, another car entered the campus. The woman who gotoff the car was Ruoxin Chen I had seen at the wedding, which was Jacky's unmarried bride.

She walked towards me, bent down and stared at me. Her face showed vicious. Then she slapped mein the face two times, three times, and more. I was already dizzy under the sun, after the slapping I felteven more dizzy .

“You bitch, what kind of ecstasy did you give Jacky to make him betray me?” She said, kicking on myhead.

Her high-heeled shoes were so sharp, and I felt really painful. But I bit my lip without saying a word. Iwould never show one bit of weakness in front of her, not to mention beg for mercy.

In fact, I was a little guilty about this woman before. Although Jacky Hua was the mastermind, I wasonly a pawn for him, it was fact that I fled with her bridegroom on the wedding. If I were at her position,I would hate me like she did. So I had intended to explain the truth.

But she started so cruelly, her attitude was so arrogant.I started to think it’s wise for Jacky Hua not tomarry her. She is really mean.

Her humiliation did not stop, she then continued to bump and kick me, also spit on my face. At this timeI realized that even I beg for her mercy, she wouldn’t stop, things would only get worse.

I glared at her and tried to fake a smile to make myself look easier.

Because I knew the more I was afraid, the more she would abuse me.

“Bitch, you are dying here today, why are you still smiling?”

“The relationship between Jacky and I is actually not what you thought. But I don't want to tell you now.

You are so unreasonable, arrogant, uncultivated, even though you were born in a powerful family. If Iwere Jacky, I don't want to marry you either.”I said coldly.

Her face become blue with anger. “Bitch, how dare you talk to me like that!”She ordered the menbehind her: “ Strip her now, you guys have sex with her in turns, and I want the video to record all ofthis. I want Jacky to see, the woman he loves, the woman he wants was so dirty!”

She was the same kind of person as Hao Wu.

No matter how prominent she was born to be, with viciousness deep inside, they were the dirty ones.

“Jacky is coming soon. If you treat me like this, he will only hate you more, you will never get thechance to approach him.” I said as calmly as possible. Actually I was a little scared. It took me so mucheffort to get rid of Hao, I still couldn’t escape the fate of being humiliated, I really didn’t know how tosurvive.

She froze for a moment, “It’s just your fantasy. Do you really think Jacky can find here? Are youimagining he will come and rescue you like a prince?”

I knew I must delay her as much as possible, although I’m not sure. I had to continue to answer her:“Don’t you believe it? He will be there soon.”

“Do you think so? Even if Jacky is coming, I'm not afraid of him!” Ruoxin Chen said obviously lackingself-confidence.

“Really?” Suddenly someone responded.

Ruoxin Chen and I turned around at the same time to see that Jacky in a white suit slowly came in. Hewalked in with a black umbrella in his hand, followed by Xuanlong Jiang.

I smiled to Ruoxin Chen, “Look, am I right? Isn’t he coming here soon?”

Ruoxin Chen calmed down after a brief panic.

There was an unsightly smile on her face, “Jacky, what brings you here?”

Jacky ignored her and came straight to me. He switched the black umbrella from the right hand to theleft hand, covered the sun for me and then untied the rope on my body slowly with his right hand. “Howdo you know I will come here?”

“After I was tied up by them, the manager will definitely call you. Their license plate number was notbeen covered. It ’s not difficult to find this car in the camera of the street. I have been tied up for almosttwo hours, and you should have arrived by now. Otherwise, you will live up to the reputation of theFourth Brother who can do everything he wants.” I replied.

He was obviously satisfied with my answer. He smiled a little and looked back to Ruoxin Chen, “See?Is she much smarter than you? If you were me, you’ll choose her too.”

Ruoxin Chen's was so angry that she shouted “Jacky Hua, you can't take this woman away!”

Then she glanced at the people who tied me up and motioned them to stop Jacky. There were five orsix people over there, but on this side, only Jacky and Xuanlong Jiang. In terms of numbers, RuoxinChen clearly had an advantage.

But those arrogant gangsters were silent at this time, all lowered their eyes and turned into innocentpeople. From time to time they peeped at Xuanlong Jiang who put on a cold face and said nothing.

It could be seen that they were very afraid of this man beside Jacky. They didn’t dare to move at all.

Jacky Hua stretched out his hand to pick me up, my feet became numb and I couldn’t even keep abalance. He put his hand on my waist and supported me.

I didn't know he did this for acting in front of Ruoxin or some other reasons. But at that moment, I wasreally moved.

“Do you feel better now? Let's get out of here.” Jacky said.

Ruoxin Chen blocked the way, “Jacky, don’t you forget when your family developed this land, will it beso smooth without my dad's help? You better think about how serious the consequences of offendingmy family are!"

Jacky Hua didn’t speak, just looked at Xuanlong Jiang.

Xuanlong Jiang walked over and whispered a few words to Ruoxin Chen's ear softly. Ruoxin Chen'sexpression changed greatly. She just watched me and Jacky walking out, but not saying a word.

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