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Theo came flying.

‘I can’t dodge this anyway.’

Sejun knew that with his abilities, he couldn’t avoid Theo.

Even if he tried to dodge, he would just hear a ‘Puhuhut’ as Theo would mock him once, then changedirection mid-air and eventually cling to his face.



Just before Theo clung to his face


He quickly turned his head, deciding to offer the back of his head instead of his face.



With an ominous chuckle, Sejun felt Theo’s body heat all over his face. It was warm.

“You are here?”

Sejun grabbed Theo by the nape as he said this. . Still, thanks to Theo’s Talent: Strong Fur, he didn’tget any hair in his mouth…


I see… So they doesn’t come off completely after all.

“Puhuhut. That’s right, meow! As Chairman Park ordered, I safely escorted the King of Farming to thefourth floor of the tower, meow!”

“That’s good. Well done.”

“I know, meow! I, Vice Chairman Theo, always do well, meow!”

“That’s right…”

Sejun’s playful mood slightly rose seeing Theo’s arrogant attitude but

‘Since he worked hard to go up to the fourth floor.’

Thinking of Theo’s hard work, he held it in.

“Vice Chairman Theo, take a break for a bit.”novelbin

“Okay, meow!”

At Sejun’s words, Theo clung to Sejun’s knees and vigorously rubbed his face against them. Puhuhut.Did you miss me, not being on Chairman Park’s lap, meow?

And then


[You have harvested Magical Blueberries.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Harvesting Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

[You have gained 70 experience points.]

Sejun started harvesting blueberries.

30 minutes later.


Sejun finished harvesting the blueberries. There were only 1000 blueberries, so it didn’t take long.


“Hyung! I’m done too!”

Ajax flew to Sejun with his arms full of Sundried Red Peppers.

“Ajax, good job.”

Sejun praised Ajax and patted his head.

“Ehihi. Yeah!”

As Sejun was petting Ajax,

“Chairman Park, I did well too, meow!”

Theo grabbed Sejun’s hand that was petting Ajax’s head and lifted it above his own head.

“Eek! What are you doing?!”

“Puhuhut. I worked harder than Ajax, meow!”

Although Ajax glared angrily, Theo confidently spoke his mind.

Hey, Ajax is a dragon.


Sejun quickly stroked Ajax’s head with his other hand and comforted Ajax.

At that moment


‘Hey! Get that hand off! I said that hand is mine!’

Fenrir barked angryly, disliking that Sejun was petting someone else.


“Our Blackie, are you hungry? Here.’

Sejun, unable to understand Fenrir’s words,

quietly slipped a dried sweet potato into Fenrir’s mouth.

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

Fenrir quickly quieted down. This time, he decided to let it go generously. It’s absolutely not because ofthe dried sweet potato.

Soon after




The three of them fell asleep on Sejun’s lap, shoulder, and chest.

With his hands free,


Sejun picked a Sundried Red Pepper and took a bite. He was curious about the taste.

“Whew. It’s spicy but tasty.”

It wasn’t a painful spiciness but a deliciously spicy one. An addictive spiciness. It would really tastegreat if made into Gochujang.

After swallowing all the Sundried Red Pepper,

[You have consumed a Sundried Red Pepper.]

[If you get enough light, one of your stats will randomly increase by 5.]

A message appeared that the stats would increase if enough light was absorbed.

“That will be easy. Hehehe.”

[You have obtained 201 Sundried Red Pepper seeds.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Seed Harvesting Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

Sejun hummed a tune and sat in a sunny spot, beginning to harvest the seed of the Sundried RedPeppers.

Ajax harvested 300 Sundried Red Peppers. Of these, 50 were set aside for cooking, and the remaining250 were seeded.

When Sejun had seeded about 200 Sundried Red Peppers,

[Due to the effect of Seed Harvesting Lv. 8, the number of seeds obtained has increased fourfold.]

[You have obtained 800 Sundried Red Pepper seeds.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Seed Harvesting Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

The effect of the Seed Harvesting skill, which has a low chance to produce 2 to 5 times the seeds, wastriggered, increasing the number of seeds obtained.

“Four times? Hehehe.”

Sejun smiled contentedly at the message.

[Your soul feels fulfilled.]

[Mental Strength has increased by 1.]

Thanks to this, his Mental Strength also increased.

Once the Sundried Red Pepper seeding was completed,


[You have planted Sundried Red Peppers in soil embued with magic power.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]

[Due to Sundried Red Peppers listening to the sound of the farmer’s footsteps, their growth speed haddoubled for 24 hours with the effect of Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 8.]

[Due to the effect of Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 8 the chances of obtaining a new variety increasesfivefold.]

[Your proficiency in Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

Sejun immediately began planting 50,000 Sundried Red Pepper seeds.


99th floor of the Red Tower.

“Udon, plant these Flame Beans in areas heavily affected by desertification.”

“Yes! Ramter~nim!”

Udon responded without a hint of doubt to Ramter’s command.

Planting beans in land that has become desert? The old Udon would have doubted it a little, even if itwas the words of the great Red Dragon.

However, Udon, while drying a Pear of Strength and Stamina, came to believe that Ramter’s wordscould never be wrong.

“Hurry along now!”

“Yes, Ramter~nim, I will go and plant the Flame Beans.”

Like that, Udon went down to the 48th floor of the tower, an area with severe desertification, to plant theFlame Beans.

“You guys, hunt the nearby cactuses!”


He had his subordinates hunt the nearby cactuses, and


Udon dug the soil, put in the Flame Beans, and covered the soil again.


[You have planted Beanie’s Flame Beans.]

[You have planted crops in an area with a lot of fire energy.]

[The environment is very compatible with Beanie’s Flame Beans.]

[The growth speed of Beanie’s Flame Beans increases.]

[Your job experience have greatly increased.]

[Your Tower Farmer grade has increased from D to C.]

[You have become a Tower Farmer (C).]

[As your job grade increases, job traits are enhanced.]

[Your proficiency in Seed Sowing Lv. 3 has greatly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Seed Sowing Lv. 3 has filled, and the level has increased.]

Messages appeared.


Udon was astonished by the messages.

All this time, due to the high fiery conditions, only about one in a thousand crops Udon planted wouldproperly take root.

Thus, Udon could not grow as a Tower Farmer.

But now… his stagnant job grade and the level of his Seed Sowing skill had instantly increased.

Shortly after.

Having planted all 50 Flame Beans and his Seed Sowing skill leveling up twice more, Udon,

“Hahaha! My Seed Sowing skill reached level 5! It gained the effect of reducing the probability of pestdamage! You guys! You dare to covet Ramter~nim’s Flame Bean field?!”

Today, feeling unusually light, Udon swung a massive battle-axe at the cactus approaching the FlameBean field.

To be exact, it was Sejun’s Flame Bean field, but Udon didn’t know the details of the contract.


“It’s almost done now.”

Sejun looked at the few remaining Sundried Red Pepper seeds and planted them.


[You have planted Sundried Red Peppers in soil embued with magic power.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]



[Your proficiency in Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 8 has filled, and the level has increased.]

Messages appeared. Magic Seed Sowing skill became the first among Sejun’s job skills to reach level9.

Among all the skills, it was second only to the cooking skill.

“What’s changed?”

Sejun, hoping something had changed, checked the Magic Seed Sowing skill.

[Job Skill – Magic Seed Sowing Lv. 9]

– The probability of seeds germinating when planted is greatly increased.

– The probability of suffering damage from pests is greatly reduced.

– If magic power is infused into the soil and seeds are planted, the growth speed of the seeds isdoubled for 24 hours.

– If the seeds are personally planted by hand, the probability of obtaining a new variety increasesfivefold. (This does not apply to tenant farmers.)

– The energy of the Tower Farmer who planted the seeds remains in the crops, scaring monsters andpreventing them from approaching.

Scare monsters?

“Ah. It’s kind of vague.”

It seemed like a decent effect but it was vague. No. It was vague because it was him. Would monstersreally be scared of my energy?


“No. Heh. There is someone scared of me.”

One being came to Sejun’s mind. There was. The weakest one on the 99th floor of the tower whowould be scared even of his energy.


Sejun excitedly dug the ground to plant Sundried Red Peppers,


and took out Fenrir, who was squirming and sleeping in his sling bag.



‘Is it time to eat?’

Fenrir, blissfully unaware, stretched and asked as he woke up.

‘Sorry. I’ll feed you after checking this.’

Sejun apologized to Fenrir in advance and set him down next to the Sundried Red Pepper he had justplanted.



Fenrir dug with his front paws and gulped down the seeds of the Sundried Red Pepper that Sejun hadjust planted.


Instead of being scared, he eats them?! Sejun was so surprised.

So, he didn’t even think to question whether ‘dogs could eat peppers.’


Thump. Thump.

Fenrir, having eaten the Sundried Red Pepper seeds, joyfully ran around the field.


‘Hehe~ It’s my core energy!’

As Sejun’s energy seeped into the Sundried Red Pepper seeds, some of Fenrir’s core energy that wasin Sejun’s body also seeped in together.

That’s why he wasn’t scared.


“My energy is only this much…”

Unaware of this, Sejun felt frustrated that his energy couldn’t even scare Fenrir, and he planted moreSundried Red Peppers.




Fenrir energetically followed Sejun, digging up and eating the Sundried Red Pepper seeds filled withSejun’s energy.

Kking… Kking…

‘I’ve eaten too much… I’m sleepy…’

Of course, the frail Fenrir, after eating five Sundried Red Pepper seeds, collapsed and fell asleep in thefield.

“Why is he sleeping here?”

Sejun, having finished planting all the Sundried Red Pepper seeds, picked up Fenrir, who wassprawled on the dirt, dusted off the dirt from his fur, and put him back into the sling bag.


Red Tower Administrative Area.

Ramter had instructed Udon to plant Flame Beans.

Returning to the administrative area, Ramter waited for Kin to come back with tower coins.

“Puhahahaha. The others are probably busy going around other towers trying to become VIPs at theDragon Market, right? But why isn’t Kin coming?”

Just as Ramter was starting to feel bored,

“Ramter, I’ve brought the tower coins!”

Kin appeared.

“Good. First, take a look at this.”

Ramter showed Kin the contract written by Sejun.

Shortly after.

“Ramter? Are there really such watermelons?!”

Kin, reading the contract, asked with an incredulous expression.

The options for watermelons that absorb water and cause severe droughts.

Since deception isn’t possible in a contract…

If the contract was as written, removing the water from the Blue Tower was only a matter of time.

“Yeah. Here.”

“Oh! It’s real!”

Excited, Kin looked at the seeds Ramter showed him.

“First, finish reading the contract.”


At Ramter’s words, Kin finished reading the rest of the contract.

In exchange for planting the watermelons, the price set was 100,000 Tower Coins per seed for thewater absorbing watermelon seeds and 10 million Tower Coins per seed for the drought-inducingwatermelon seeds.

Although the contract stipulated that all harvested watermelons must be returned to the Dragon Market,

From Kin’s perspective, as long as it could remove the water, there was no significant loss.

“Alright. Let’s make the contract.”

Kin stamped the contract with his seal.

“You won’t regret this. Here, 20,000 water-absorbing watermelon seeds and 100 drought-inducingwatermelon seeds. That’s a total of 3 billion Tower Coins.”

“Here it is.”

Kin handed over 3 billion Tower Coins to Ramter and received the watermelon seeds.

He hurried back to the Blue Tower to test the effects of the watermelon seeds,

-Zelga, plant these seeds on the 70th floor of the tower.

He gave the watermelon seeds to Zelga, the Tower Farmer of the Blue Tower, to plant.

Following Kin’s instructions, Zelga arrived on the 70th floor.

“Will planting these change anything?”

On the 70th floor of the Blue Tower, Zelga grumbled while looking at the gloomy sky that never stoppedraining and the vast lake that had swallowed the land.

“But since Kin~nim told me to plant them…”

With no land to plant in, Zelga simply dropped a watermelon seed into the water.


[You have planted a drought-inducing watermelon seed.]

[The drought-inducing watermelon seed absorbs water without regard for others.]



Messages appeared.

And in an instant, the surrounding sea disappeared.


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